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Artisteer and
Themler Unite!
July 29, 2015
It's been a while since we had significant news to announce and we apologize for the long delay.
We actually didn't anticipate it could take this long and we owe you an explanation, while wanting to make it up to you as well.
We wrote a long FAQ titled Artisteer & Themler - Everything You Wished For which hopefully provides answers you've been waiting for.
In the upcoming days we will also send an email announcement pointing to this information.
We hope this news was worth the wait, while we always appreciate your feedback
You can receive Themler Personal or Business license FREE including free updates during your free upgrade period.
You can also try Themler at
Check this short Themler features overview.
Artisteer 4.3 Now Supports Joomla 3.4
March 2, 2015
Artisteer 4.3 export server was updated to support Joomla 3.4.
No updates to Artisteer itself are necessary, just please re-export your web designs that you want to be compatible with Joomla 3.4.
At the request of our forum community we've prepared a short list of the Joomla, WordPress and Drupal plug-ins recent fixes:
- Joomla 3.4 compatibility:
- Fixed issue with Content Importing.
- Minor fixes.
- Fixed issue with "UnpublishedFilter field" error on Contacts >> List Contacts in a Category pages.
- Fixed issue with iframe src.
- Fiesd issue with aliases in Vertical Menu.
- Fixed other minor issues and bugs.
- Fixed issue with BBPress user profile view.
- Fixed pagination.
- Fixed issue with Readmore and Yoast Google Analytics plugin in WordPress 4.x.
- Fixed issue with sidebars in WP 3.9.
- Fixed other minor issues and bugs.
- Fixed minor issues and bugs.
- Fixed error (exception) on exporting some Moodle templates.
Please note that this update may not work for you if your free upgrade period has expired. You are welcome to continue using the version you purchased indefinitely, including all updates released during your upgrade eligibility.
For more information on our upgrade policy please refer to our FAQ. You can check your upgrade subscription status here.
Createer Introduction
December 23, 2014
Merry Christmas Everyone!
If you still haven't emailed out your Christmas cards or simply want to include one in your website, try our upcoming content design tool Createer.
Or grab some Christmas photos from
We also started receiving questions about Createer, thus here is basic information about what it is, how it is different from Artisteer, and whether you may need it.
Let’s start with Artisteer, which is a web template design tool, helping you quickly design the overall look of your website, including background, borders, colors, header, texture graphics, menu, font styling, etc.
The “web template” is basically the common design applied to all (or most) pages on your website, giving them a uniform and consistent look. Whenever people visit various pages on your website, each page is shown with consistent look given to it by the web template.
The main problem with web templates is that they may look deceiving because once you load them into your WordPress or Joomla based website, your website may look quite different and “poor” without any content, when it is still fresh and doesn’t have any pages. The content/pages are usually not a part of web template and are included in web templates only as a sample of how your website may look like with such pages/content.
When you create a “page” in WordPress, Joomla or other systems, you are actually writing content, thus many people use the words “page” and “content” interchangeably. Creating a “page” means writing “content”. Without such pages or content you can only have an empty skeleton of a website formed by the web template.
This means that to make your website truly look good, you also need to create your own pages/content that would be displayed within the web template.
Most of the content can be a basic text, such as blog post that you may write, or your contact information within “Contact Us” page.
But what if you need to design a truly outstanding content for your home page, to present your products and services? Or maybe you’d want to create a price comparison table showing various pricing plans you’re offering to your customers? Or how about designing a nice looking restaurant menu page for a restaurant website?
That’s where Createer, the upcoming online content design tool, comes in. You can use Createer to design content that goes inside your web page. Just take a look at Createer Design Templates and imagine placing such content within your pages.
Does it look better than just the plain text?
Createer also offers WordPress plugin and Joomla plugin, so that you can edit your pages visually right within the WordPress or Joomla, instead of writing text using the basic text editor.
Or if you create HTML websites, try adding the Createer Button to your pages, which will let you edit your content right within your website.
Createer is being developed in partnership with Artisteer, but by a separate team.
Createer is 99% functional and working, but it is available as “Beta” until additional testing is finalized and responsive features are added.
You can use Createer for free for creating basic designs, while more advanced designs may cost $1 or more, depending on the features and number of images you use. Subscription options are also available.
When you sign up for Createer you’ll receive $5 in free credits to try it out and create your initial design(s).
Give it a try!
Artisteer 4.3 Released!
August 27, 2014
Artisteer 4.3 for Windows is finally here! We'd like to thank everyone who helped us to test and prepare this version for today's release.
Artisteer 4.3 for Windows(
The following bug fixes and improvements were incorporated in this release:
- Support for Joomla 3.3
- Support for WordPress 3.9
- Lightbox issue fixed
- WordPress - Slideshows stop working with Form Maker plug-in
- Joomla 3.3 - fixed Responsive issues
- Fixed issues with "Position" control in Responsive mode
- Fixed issue with custom export plugin
- Change default joomla version in the export dialog to 2.5 -> 3.2-3.3
- Fixed other minor issues and bugs
Please note that version 4.3 will work only in Trial mode if your free upgrade period has expired.
For more information on our upgrade policy please refer to our FAQ. You can check your upgrade subscription status here.
600+ Artisteer ARTX Projects and 150,000 Stock Photos
August 1, 2014
Artisteer Team is presenting, 600+ Artisteer premium projects created with BillionPhotos images.
In addition, we are introducing - Stock Photo Library, which includes unique cut-out photo objects to be placed on any backgrounds.
- Impressive variety of regular stock photos and vector graphics.
- Currently 150,000+ available for downloading and the Library is growing constantly.
- The Library is subscription-based and royalty-free.
Click here to read more >
Artisteer 4.3 Beta for
Windows Available Now
July 11, 2014
We are happy to announce Beta version of Artisteer
4.3 for Windows.
4.3 Beta for Windows (
Click here to see the complete list of changes
- Sidebar issue with Moodle plugin.
- RTL for megamenu.
- Style of slides in NextGen plugin.
- Empty space when using Google Ads.
- Errors related to Google Webmaster tools.
- "Title in menu" editing option in WP themes.
- Error Code 602-0.
- Webform module issues in Drupal.
- Drupal themes on number of services (e.g.,
- Collage preview in browser.
- Menu preview in browser.
- TinyMCE editor support on Moodle.
- Bootstraps scripts support in Artisteer themes.
- Tablet portrait layout for RTL.
- JS script in footer (Joomla templates).
- Vertical Spacing in page's Row.
- Headline location in Chrome.
- Menu width while switching between responsive and desktop view.
- Footer padding in responsive mode.
- Joomla import content error Request failed: 500.
- Header images output in IE 8 (DNN).
- Cells width at Home page layout.
- Youtube control output on Header.
- Header controls layout (DNN7.).
- "Unable to open file. Format of the executable (.exe) or library (.dll) is invalid" error.
- Slide navigator layout (HTML template).
- Unable to export project. Reason: Wrong server response. Error code: 602-0.
- Mistypes Swedish translation.
- Added new option under site settings for image lightbox.
- One of "Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation" Errors.
Header Editor
- moved "Responsive Background" options to separate tab.
- Flash output in header (Joomla).
- Drupal export crash.
- Improved error logging.
- Lost part of content on export (Joomla).
- Functionality of Vmenu Expand on click, Expand on hover.
- Vertical menu Expand with reload (Joomla).
- Export errors 602 and 705.
- Export content in Joomla 3.3.
- Adapted WP themes to work with WP WP library jQuery UI plugin.
- Sidebars output in WP 3.9.
- Improved files names validation.
- Improved blog category layout in responsive mode (Joomla).
- Restriction for number of slides used in module (Joomla).
- Removed reference for responsive JS file in non responsive themes (Drupal).
Please note that version 4.3 Beta will work only in Trial mode if your free upgrade period has expired.
For more information on our upgrade policy please refer to our FAQ. You can check your upgrade subscription status here.
Artisteer 4.2 Joomla, WordPress and Drupal plug-ins updates
May 20, 2014
At the request of our forum community we've prepared a short list of the Joomla, WordPress and Drupal plug-ins recent fixes.
- Fixed the issue with sidebars missing in the new Wordpress 3.9.
- Fixed errors "Missing required field" in Google Webmaster tools.
- Added "Use not stylized menu" to switch to native WordPress wp_nav_menu (for the third-party menu plug-ins).
- Fixed the issue with extra line breaks in the text after export and added an option to enable/disable wp_autop function while editing sample data posts/pages.
- Fixed display issues of the Joomla front end editor.
- Fixed the issue with Joomla 3.2 native Blog Layout columns in Responsive mode.
- Fixed problem with import template content in Joomla 3.3. We're working on supporting the new Joomla 3.3 Microdata feature.
- Fixed the issue with libraries api module.
- Removed from the page structure (for bottom, top, user regions).
- Fixed the issue with responsive js registration in non-responsive themes.
Fixed other minor issues and bugs.
NOTE: Please keep in mind that the export plugins were automatically updated on the export server so you don't need to wait for the new Artisteer update. To get the latest changes you just need to re-export the theme with Artisteer 4.2 version you have installed.
Also please note that Artisteer 4.1 does not support online export and you need to use Artisteer 4.2 to get the updated plug-ins.
Artisteer 4.2 Now Supports Joomla 3.2
November 19, 2013
Artisteer export server was updated to support Joomla 3.2. No updates to Artisteer itself are necessary, just please re-export your web designs that you want to be compatible with Joomla 3.2.
Artisteer 4.2 Released!
November 4, 2013
Artisteer 4.2 for Windows is finally here! We'd like to thank everyone who helped us test and prepare this version for today's release.
Artisteer 4.2 for
Windows (
The following additional bugs are fixed:
• Blogger templates: headline and slogan shifting issues
• Slideshow:
image border transparency issue
• Crash in slideshow panel
• Shape
visible in responsive mode
• Shape background and image position issue
• jQuery UI Slider widget issue
• Responsive view - cell border issue
• Preview in browser - Slideshow width issue in responsive mode
• Opera
17 missing in Preview options
• Image float in responsive view
Joomla system messages padding issue
NOTE: Starting with version 4.2 Artisteer will require online connection
when exporting Joomla, WordPress and Drupal templates.
Artisteer 4.2 Release Candidate 2 for
Windows Available
October 20, 2013
We have prepared the final version of Artisteer 4.2, however, due to some customers experiencing problems with firewalls and other
internal network issues preventing them from activating and using the new
version of Artisteer, we've decided to name this version as Artisteer
Release Candidate 2 and give it about a week to confirm if everything works
as intended. If no more major issues are reported to us, this will become
the official version 4.2.
4.2 RC 2 for Windows (
The following bug fixes and improvements were incorporated in this
• Fixed problems communicating with Artisteer template export server
Fixed text shadow issues
• Fixed menu item hover bug
• Improvements in
responsive design and image resizing
• Fixed an issue with inability to
change slider images
• Added position of header background image
Fixed crashes when clicking on social icons
• Fixed issues with WYSIWYG
editor in WordPress
• Fixed empty Template version in DotNetNuke
Fixed other minor issues and bugs
NOTE: Starting with version 4.2 Artisteer will require online connection
when exporting Joomla, WordPress and Drupal templates.
We've also compiled a list of common questions submitted to us regarding
our company and the new online piracy protection requiring to be connected to the internet
while exporting certain templates. We've compiled the answers in the
form of a blog-type FAQ you can
read here.
Artisteer 4.2 Release Candidate for
Windows Available Now
September 8, 2013
We are happy to announce Artisteer 4.2 Release Candidate for Windows.
4.2 RC for Windows (
Please note that version 4.2 Beta will work only in Trial mode if your free upgrade period has expired.
For more information on our upgrade policy please refer to our FAQ. You can check your upgrade subscription status here.
NOTE: Starting with version 4.2 Artisteer will require online connection
when exporting Joomla, WordPress and Drupal templates.
Recently we've received many questions about version 4.2, Artisteer and our company in general. We will be answering them shortly. If you would like to submit feedback please contact us.
Artisteer 4.2 Beta for
Windows Available Now
July 31, 2013
We are happy to announce Beta version of Artisteer
4.2 for Windows.
4.2 Beta for Windows ( new features and
changes in Artisteer version 4.2 include:
- Support for Tumblr Themes, with Tumblr theme export available in both Home
and Standard editions.
- Preview for responsive web design modes & customization of each
responsive view (via dropdown in the top-right corner).
- Ability to specify texture or background image for the Sheet.
- Header/Slider
- ImageLink visible on all slides (for example for placing a logo
within a slide)
- Separate slider control in layout (configurable on Slider tab) with
support for page-length
- Clickable logo
- Clickable Slide (for making Banner-like collages)
- Content editing - Duplicate pages with layout and with subpages
- Custom HTML in the <HEAD> section (for example for Google Analytics)
- Supporting the latest JQuery to improve template compatibility with
newer Joomla and WordPress widgets and modules.
- Bug fixes and improved support for WordPress and Joomla (Joomla versions
up to 3.1).
Please note that version 4.2 Beta will work only in Trial mode if your free upgrade period has expired.
For more information on our upgrade policy please refer to our FAQ. You can check your upgrade subscription status here.
NOTE: Starting with version 4.2 Artisteer will require online connection
when exporting Joomla, WordPress and Drupal templates. This change was due
to unauthorized hacks and software theft by people who simply wanted to put
us out of business by cracking and distributing Artisteer for free. Our only
choice was to stop funding product development and stop improving the
product, or to move some of the software functionality to an online server.
We chose to support our customers and continue developing Artisteer while
moving some of its internal features online. Overall Artisteer will work the
same way as previously, you will just need to be connected to the internet
while exporting your templates.
Please also note that Artisteer template
export can be updated automatically, therefore we don't always need to
release new Artisteer versions to make small improvements and fix certain
Artisteer 4.1 for Windows Released!
February 21, 2013
Artisteer 4.1 for Windows is finally here! We'd like to thank everyone who helped us test and prepare this version for today's release.
4.1 for Windows (
The final version 4.1 also includes final fixes for minor issues reported in previous Beta versions.
For those new to Artisteer 4.1, the new features in Artisteer version 4.1 include:
- Styling pages for previewing typography and control design. This feature makes Artisteer focused on template design, while making page design available optionally for users who also want to use Artisteer for creating content for their website.
- Ability to set forms for shapes and images in the Header.
- Custom Position control in the Header for Joomla, WordPress and Drupal.
- Styles for comments for WordPress, Blogger and Drupal.
- Export Positions by Content Layout cells in Footer for Joomla and WordPress.
- Styles for the navigator in blog posts for Joomla, WordPress and Drupal, and in comments for WordPress and Drupal.
- Styles for two social icons: Facebook and Twitter in the Header and Content.
- Ability to open menus without reloading the page (in responsive menus).
- Support for DotNetNuke 7.
- Support Joomla 3.0.
Please note that version 4.1 will work only in Trial mode if your free upgrade period has expired. For more information on our upgrade policy please refer to our FAQ. You can check your upgrade subscription status here.
Artisteer 4.1 Release Candidate for Windows now Available
January 21, 2013
We are happy to announce Release Candidate
version of Artisteer 4.1 for Windows.
4.1 RC for Windows ( Release Candidate
includes the following bug fixes recently found in the Beta version:
- Variety of crashes
- Occasional errors when saving
- Separator issue when Horizontal Menu is justified
- Search control in the header overlapping horizontal submenu dropdown
- Bugs with image lightbox used with responsive designs
- Empty spaces in Mega Menu
- Image format option for Header background was always enabled
- Drupal: Sorting in Drupal6 menu items not working
- Drupal: Media Gallery thumbnails too large
- Drupal: Showing header background image when Aggregate JavaScript
files was checked
- WordPress: Showing wrong images in the footer (from content editor)
- WordPress: Hmenu didn't work when "Make the header clickable" was
- Joomla: Blog Layout Page issues
- Joomla: Missing article icon after exporting
- Joomla: Missing Phoca PDF plugin icon for Joomla 2.5
- Joomla: Artisteer styles not applied to Joomla Smart Search
This version may become the official Artisteer version 4.1 if no major issues are reported to us.
Artisteer 4.1 Beta
for Windows now Available
December 20, 2012
We are happy to announce Beta version of Artisteer 4.1 for Windows, with the following new features and improvements:
- Styling pages for previewing typography and control design. This
feature makes Artisteer focused on template design, while making page design
available optionally for users who also want to use Artisteer for creating
content for their website.
- Ability to set forms for shapes and images in the Header.
- Custom Position control in the Header for Joomla, WordPress and Drupal.
- Styles for comments for WordPress, Blogger and Drupal.
- Export Positions by Content Layout cells in Footer for Joomla and
- Styles for the navigator in blog posts for Joomla, WordPress and Drupal, and in
comments for WordPress and Drupal.
- Styles for two social icons: Facebook
and Twitter in the Header and Content.
- Ability to open menus without
reloading the page (in responsive menus).
- Support for DotNetNuke 7.
- Support Joomla 3.0.
4.1 Beta for Windows ( note that the product activation process requires online activation within Artisteer.
New updates, including version 4.1, work only in Trial mode if your free
upgrade period has expired. For more information on our upgrade policy
refer to our FAQ.
You can check your
upgrade subscription status here.
Unfortunately we are experiencing road blocks with supporting Mac OSX
due to limitations of the
technology we've been utilizing to support Mac, therefore at this time
we are unable to release version 4.x for Mac. Please await for further news
as we're researching available options.
Artisteer 4.0 for Windows Released!
September 29, 2012
Artisteer 4.0 for Windows is finally here! We'd like to thank everyone who
helped us test and prepare this version for today's release.
Artisteer 4.0 for
Windows (
The official version 4.0 includes final fixes for minor issues and crashes reported in
previous Beta versions. In this version we've also improved template
performance by creating JPG images as page background, in place of
previously created PNGs.
For the list of new features in version 4.0 please refer to Artisteer 4.0
Feature Overview.
We expect Beta version of Artisteer
4.0 for Mac by end of November 2012.
Please note that new updates,
including version 4.0, work only in Trial mode if your free
upgrade period has expired. For more information on our upgrade policy
please refer to our FAQ.
You can check your upgrade subscription status here.
Artisteer 4.0
RC2 version is now Available
September 20, 2012
We are happy to announce Release Candidate 2 of Artisteer 4.0 for Windows,
containing final bug fixes and program translations.
This version will become the official
Artisteer version 4.0 if no major issues are reported to us.
Artisteer 4.0
RC2 for Windows (
For the list of new features please refer to
Artisteer 4.0
Feature Overview.
We estimate two additional months for preparing version 4.0
for Mac.
Please note that the product activation process requires online activation within Artisteer.
If for any reason you
are unable to activate the product directly within Artisteer, please contact
product support.
Artisteer 4.0
Release Candidate version is now Available
September 9, 2012
We are happy to announce Release Candidate of Artisteer 4.0 for Windows,
containing bug fixes for issues reported by our Beta users and generally
finalizing version 4 features. No big changes here, however, this version
also incorporates an option for creating mobile device layouts.
Artisteer 4.0 RC
for Windows (
For the list of new features please refer to
Artisteer 4.0
Feature Overview.
Version 4.0 Beta for Mac will be announced at a
later time.
Please note that the product activation process has been
changed to require online activation within Artisteer. If for any reason you
are unable to activate the product directly within Artisteer, please contact
product support.
Artisteer 3.1 Update
July 23, 2012
Even though we we are working on Artisteer 4.0, today we are releasing an
update for Artisteer 3.1 users, which improves product stability. This
update resolves various product crashes reported to us via the built-in
crash reporting feature.
Artisteer 3.1 for
Windows (
Artisteer 3.1 for
Mac (
Please note that each new version will work only in Trial mode if your free
upgrade period has expired. For more information on our upgrade policy
please refer to our FAQ.
You can check your upgrade subscription status here.
Artisteer 4.0 Beta for Windows now available!
July 16, 2012
We are happy to announce Artisteer 4.0 Beta for Windows, loaded with many features you've
been waiting for.
Artisteer 4.0 Beta for Windows (
For the list of new features please refer to
Artisteer 4.0
Feature Overview.
Version 4.0 Beta for Mac will be announced at a
later time.
Artisteer Newsletter - May 2012
May 29, 2012
The 2nd, May edition of the
Artisteer newsletter is
now online.
Please feel free to subscribe or re-subscribe to
Artisteer news at
Artisteer Newsletter - March 2012
March 23, 2012
The first Artisteer newsletter is being sent out to our subscribers, with the online version available here:
March 2012
If you do not receive the email by March 24 please check
your spam filtering settings and allow any emails from to
come through.
And of course you can always subscribe or re-subscribe to
Artisteer news at!
Artisteer 3.1 - Joomla 2.5 Compatibility Update
January 31, 2012
We are happy to announce Joomla compatibility update for Artisteer, which
resolves issues found with Joomla 2.5 compatibility and includes a few other minor fixes.
Artisteer 3.1 for Windows (
Artisteer 3.1 Release Candidate for Mac (
Main improvements and fixes in this update include:
- Joomla 2.5 support
- Fixed a bug with page layout becoming broken when adding category
link Articles > Category Blog Layout
- Fixed a bug with the pipe character in headline&slogan causing
"Array" error
- Resolved an issue with changing CSS prefixes
- Product stability improvements
- Drupal: resolved an issue with missing CSS in Drupal 7 maintenance-page.tpl.php
- Drupal: resolved an issue with no contextual link in Content region
- DotNetNuke: resolved an issue with jquery script not referenced and
causing broken menus in certain cases
- Added support for new CodeCharge Studio 5
Please note that each new version will work only in Trial mode if your free
upgrade period has expired. For more information on our upgrade policy
please refer to our FAQ.
You can check your upgrade subscription status here.
Artisteer 3.1 for Windows and Mac Released!
November 30, 2011
Artisteer 3.1 for Windows is finally here! We'd like to thank everyone who
helped us test and prepare this version for today's release.
3.1 for Mac is also available now, however, we decided to continue labeling Artisteer 3.1 for Mac as "Release Candidate" due to possibility of certain
stability issues outside of our control (we are using 3rd party technology
called Mono that adapts our product to work on Mac). We'd love to receive
your feedback on how the current Mac version works for you.
Artisteer 3.1 for Windows (
Artisteer 3.1 Release
Candidate for Mac (
The final version 3.1 also includes final fixes for minor issues reported in
previous Beta versions.
For those new to Artisteer 3.1, the new features in Artisteer
version 3.1 include:
- Content layouts for articles/content when creating full websites
- Vertical Menus Subitem opening options (pop-up on hover, expand on
hover, expand on click)
- Two-colored textures for Page Background
- Custom Color Theme based on an image
- Simplified HTML for export (reduced number of divs)
- RTL (right-to-left) language support
- Support for page descriptions, keywords, meta tags when creating
full websites
- Import design and content from an artx file
- Fonts dialog for editing content
- An option to insert video into articles/content
- Simplified website publishing dialogs for
- Added support for DotNetNuke 6
- Other minor improvements
Please note that version 3.1 will work only in Trial mode if your free
upgrade period has expired. For more information on our upgrade policy
please refer to our FAQ.
You can check your upgrade subscription status here.
Artisteer 3.1 Release Candidate 2 for Windows and Mac
November 16, 2011
We are happy to announce updated Artisteer 3.1 Release Candidate for Windows
and Mac which resolves issues recently reported by our
Artisteer 3.1 RC2 for Windows
Artisteer 3.1 RC2 for Mac
Main improvements in this update include:
- Improved product stability by fixing various crashes
- Fixed text and links styles in Footer blocks for WP themes
- Fixed Vertical Menu rendering issue for IE 7
- Fixed Underline text style for Vertical Menu items
- Fixed an issue with showing Google Maps in sites
- Fixed menu bar repeating in IE7
- Fixed issues with Flash Countdown Timer module for Joomla 1.5
- Fixed “Read More” button navigation for Joomla 1.7
- Fixed Print button functionality for Joomla 1.7
Notes to existing customers:
Version 3.1 may not work when installed on the same computer as version
3.0. It is recommended to uninstall version 3.0 first, while
understanding that version 3.1 may not yet work properly and you may
decide to go back to version 3.0.
Please note that version 3.1 will work only in Trial mode if your free
upgrade period has expired. For more information on our upgrade policy
please refer to our FAQ.
You can check your
upgrade subscription status here.
Artisteer 3.0 Patch Update for Windows
November 7, 2011
We are currently working on finalizing Artisteer 3.1 and due to additional time needed
to resolve several product crashes, we decided to release an updated version
3.0 for Windows in the meantime.
The new update offers better stability
in version 3.0 and improves synchronization with
Artisteer 3.0 Update for Windows
Artisteer 3.1 Release Candidate released for Windows and Mac
October 19, 2011
We are happy to announce Artisteer 3.1 Release Candidate, now available for
Windows and Mac.
Artisteer 3.1 Beta RC for Windows
Artisteer 3.1 Beta RC for Mac
( improvements in this update include:
- Resolved bugs in the color selection and export dialogs.
- Fixed a copy/paste bug in content editing.
- Fixed invalid Flash positioning in certain cases
- Fixed an issue with highlighting VMenu on hover
- Fixed a cropping issue with article headline icon
- Fixed menu bar repeating in IE7
- Fixed broken HTML in some of the positions
- Fixed button issues
- Fixed pagination li style
- Generating IDs for UL nodes in menus (as in default WP theme)
- Fixed the warning “Split() function is deprecated” in
Notes to existing customers:
Version 3.1 may not work when installed on the same computer as version
3.0. It is recommended to uninstall version 3.0 first, while
understanding that version 3.1 may not yet work properly and you may
decide to go back to version 3.0.
Please note that version 3.1 will work only in Trial mode if your free
upgrade period has expired. For more information on our upgrade policy
please refer to our FAQ.
You can check your
upgrade subscription status here.
Artisteer 3.1 Beta 2 for Mac updated
October 5, 2011
We are updating Artisteer 3.1 Beta 2 for Mac to resolve some of the most common crashes reported by our customers.
Artisteer 3.1 Beta 2 for Mac
Artisteer 3.1 Beta 2 for Windows and Mac
September 20, 2011
We are happy to announce Beta 2 version of Artisteer 3.1, now available for
Windows and Mac.
Artisteer 3.1 Beta 2 for Windows
Artisteer 3.1 Beta 2 for Mac
( improvements in this update include:
- Added new layout option: “Menu inside Header”.
- Added ability to change template type in the Export dialog.
- Resolved variety of bugs and crashes.
- Added notification about wrong Joomla version, for example when
installing Joomla 1.6 template in Joomla 1.5.
- Added ability to change Joomla module position naming syntax in the
Export dialog (“position-1, position-2, …” vs “left, right, top, …”) -
for Joomla 1.6 & 1.7.
- Resolved an issue with wrong CSS image URLs being generated for IE6.
- Fixed footer issues when RTL enabled.
- Fixed issues with footer text style.
- RTL-related fixes.
- Fixed issues with copyright region not working.
- Added support for Drupal 7.7 Media Gallery module.
- Added more SEO options.
- Added ability to do not show the "Comments" section on all pages.
- Resolved an issue with the <!--nextpage--> tag.
- Fixed a bug with with sizing header icons for blog posts.
Notes to existing customers:
Version 3.1 may not work when installed on the same computer as version
3.0. It is recommended to uninstall version 3.0 first, while
understanding that version 3.1 may not yet work properly and you may
decide to go back to version 3.0.
Please note that version 3.1 will work only in Trial mode if your free
upgrade period has expired. For more information on our upgrade policy
please refer to our FAQ.
You can check your
upgrade subscription status here.
Artisteer 3.1 Beta 1 for Windows
August 6, 2011
We are happy to announce Artisteer 3.1 Beta 1 for
Artisteer 3.1 Beta 1 for Windows
( new features in Artisteer 3.1 include:
- Content layouts for articles/content when creating full websites
- Vertical Menus Subitem opening options (pop-up on hover, expand on
hover, expand on click)
- Two-colored textures for Page Background
- Custom Color Theme based on an image (NOTE: reported as not working)
- Simplified HTML for export (reduced number of divs)
- RTL (right-to-left) language support
- Support for page descriptions, keywords, meta tags when creating
full websites
- Import design and content from an artx file
- Fonts dialog for editing content
- An option to insert video into articles/content
- Simplified website publishing dialogs for
- Added support for DotNetNuke 6
- Other minor improvements
Notes to existing customers:
"Beta 1" means an early beta version that may be followed up with
additional Beta and Release Candidate versions prior to final product
release. The 3.1 release date will be determined based on further
internal testing and issues reported by our customers.
Version 3.1 may not work when installed on the same computer as version
3.0. It is recommended to uninstall version 3.0 first, while
understanding that version 3.1 may not yet work properly and you may
decide to go back to version 3.0.
- Please note that version 3.1 will work only in Trial mode if your free
upgrade period has expired. For more information on our upgrade policy
please refer to our FAQ.
You can check your upgrade subscription status here.
Have fun playing with the new features!
Recent Artisteer 3.0 Updates Final
July 26, 2011
As there were no new major issues reported with the recently released Artisteer updates for Windows and Mac,
we have moved them to our download page as the main Artisteer versions ( for Windows and for Mac).
This will also help our customer avoid confusion when downloading older versions from our website and reporting Joomla 1.7 compatibility issues.
The latest Mac version is compatible with Mac OS X Lion.
Artisteer 3.0 RC for Mac Update for Joomla 1.7
July 22, 2011
Artisteer 3.0 Release Candidate for Mac was updated today to support Joomla
Artisteer for Mac
This Artisteer update also resolves various minor bugs and crashes reported to our product support.
Artisteer 3.0 Update for Joomla 1.7
July 19, 2011
Due to today's release of Joomla 1.7 we are updating Artisteer 3.0 to support this new version of Joomla.
Artisteer for Windows
This Artisteer update also resolves various minor bugs and crashes reported to our product support.
Please treat this update as a Release Candidate while we will still test it with Joomla 1.7 for a few days.
Once fully tested it will replace the official Artisteer version 3.0 on our website.
We are also working on a corresponding Mac update.
Artisteer 3.0 Release Candidate for Mac Available
July 6, 2011
We are happy to announce Artisteer 3.0 Release Candidate for Mac.
version is our most stable to date, and resolves remaining errors and
crashes reported to us from Mac Beta users.
We also improved program
performance in areas where it was possible.
Artisteer 3.0 Release
Candidate for Mac
Unfortunately this version does not work yet with the upcoming Mac OS X
Lion, therefore we are further postponing the official Artisteer for Mac
release until having a chance to work on compatibility with the upcoming Mac
Artisteer Offers Support for SharePoint (Beta)
June 16, 2011
Artisteer 3.0 now offers Beta support for SharePoint.
Please visit for further information.
Artisteer 3.0 for Windows Now Available!
June 2, 2011
We are happy to announce Artisteer 3.0 for
Artisteer 3.0 for Windows
( new features in Artisteer 3.0 include:
- Website creation features with support for editing pages and blog
- Web design and website samples
- Support for fluid layouts (resizable sheet width)
- Interactive web design preview area (clicking a web design element
navigates to corresponding tab in Artisteer)
- Ability to specify design styles for the "Suggest" feature,
generating thematic web designs (corporate, simple, retro, etc.)
- Custom CSS options in Export Options
- WordPress theme code based on the default WP 3.0 TwentyTen theme
- Additional header and background graphics
- Additional color themes
- Website hosting service at (accessible from within Artisteer)
- Header and footer can now be page-wide
- Added transparency areas for various graphical effects
- Added masked header textures (transparency areas in the texture
Notes to existing customers:
As we have not found major issues with the recently released Artisteer
3.0 Release Candidate 2, that version was renamed to the official
version 3.0. Therefore if you already have downloaded version 3.0 RC2
( you don't need to do anything else, just enjoy using
version 3!
We will continue resolving any new
issues through standard patch releases.
Please note that version 3.0 will work only in Trial mode if your free
upgrade period has expired. For more information on our upgrade policy
please refer to our FAQ.
You can check your
upgrade subscription status here.
We will be sending an email announcing version 3.0 during the next few
The recently released version 3.0 Beta 2 for Mac seems stable as we are
not receiving many new crash reports. Therefore we expect an
official version 3.0 for Mac release later this month (June 2011).
We are working on a new set of features and plan to release version 3.1
Beta by the end of July 2011.
We are also researching HTML5 and CSS3
support to create simpler HTML output, for those users wanting to
support newer web browsers only.
We are finalizing support for Microsoft SharePoint and will release the
Beta version for SharePoint users shortly.
Artisteer 3.0 Release Candidate 2 for Windows, Beta 2 for Mac
May 25, 2011
We are in final stages of preparing official release of Artisteer
3.0 for Windows, mainly finalizing the documentation and product
In the meantime we've accumulated minor improvements and
fixes available today as Artisteer 3.0 RC2 for Windows:
Artisteer 3.0 Release Candidate 2 for Windows
Artisteer 3.0 for Mac: we continue
resolving issues reported to us and today have a new update for Mac users as
Artisteer 3.0 Beta 2 for Mac
Please keep in mind that when customers tell us about
crashes but do not provide full error details then we have no way of fixing
them and this actually delays the Beta period because we know that some
crashes happen but don't know anything about them. Thus submitting full
error details to us can speed up our delivery of a more stable product. We
appreciate all problem details that you can provide so that we can get a
stable Mac version out to you as soon as possible.
Artisteer 3.0 Beta for Mac Available
April 22, 2011
We are happy to announce Artisteer 3.0 Beta for Mac.
Artisteer 3.0 Beta for Mac (
This initial Beta release was tested on several Mac configurations while
we invite beta
feedback on how it works on your Mac.
Please note that version 3.0 will work only in Trial mode if your free
upgrade period has expired. For more information on our upgrade policy
refer to our FAQ.
You can check your
upgrade subscription status here.
Artisteer 2.6 Released!
February 10, 2011
As there were no critical issues reported with
Joomla 1.6 and Drupal 7 reported to us during the last week, today we have
renamed Artisteer 2.6 RC3 to the official Artisteer version 2.6. This
concludes our work on Artisteer 2.6 with support for Joomla 1.6 and Drupal
Customers using Artisteer 2.6 RC3 can continue using it without
changes, while others may now download Artisteer 2.6 from our Downloads
Please note that version 2.6 will work only in Trial mode if your free
upgrade period has expired. For more information on our upgrade policy please
refer to our FAQ. You
can check your
upgrade subscription status here.
Artisteer 2.6 RC for
Mac (Joomla 1.6 and Drupal 7 compatibility update)
January 6, 2011
Artisteer 2.6 Release Candidate for Mac is now
Artisteer 2.6 for Mac update
( All details remain the same as for the
Windows version described below.
Artisteer 3.0 Beta Released
December 22, 2010
We are happy to announce Artisteer 3.0 Beta for
3.0 Beta for Windows (
Download location 1
location 2
For everyone new to Artisteer 3.0 here is
the summary of the new features:
- Website creation features with support for editing pages and blog
- Web design and website samples
- Support for fluid layouts (resizable sheet width)
- Interactive web design preview area (clicking a web design element
navigates to corresponding tab in Artisteer)
- Ability to specify design styles for the "Suggest" feature,
generating thematic web designs (corporate, simple, retro, etc.)
- Custom CSS options in Export Options
- WordPress theme code based on the default WP 3.0 TwentyTen theme
- Additional header and background graphics
- Additional color themes
- Website hosting service at
For anyone who already tried Artisteer 3.0 Preview, here is
a summary of additional features available in the current Beta:
- Header and footer can now be page-wide (in addition to sheet-wide)
- Added transparency areas for various graphical effects
- Support for Joomla 1.6 Release Candidate
- Support for additional Joomla positions within the menu area
- Support for Drupal 7 Release Candidate
- Added masked header textures (transparency areas in the texture
Please note:
Beta products carry increased risk of malfunctioning and
are not recommended for use with live websites. However, we welcome your
feedback and will update Artisteer 3.0 within several days if any major
issues are reported to us.
If you purchase Artisteer 2.5 you will receive Artisteer 3.0 as a free
upgrade. All updates and upgrades are free for one year.
Prior to downloading we recommend checking your
upgrade subscription status here.
You may want to stay with your previous version if your upgrade period has
For more information on our upgrade policy please refer to our FAQ.
Artisteer 3.0 Preview version is here!
October 20, 2010
We are happy to report that our work on new
version 3.0 of Artisteer is nearing completion!
Here is our current
work-in-progress (version for Windows) available for your
We need about 4-6 weeks to
prepare the Mac version, which should be available around the time of the
3.0 release for Windows.
Artisteer 3.0 Preview is
unfinished, rough and unpolished but we welcome all comments about its
awesomeness at
Artisteer 3.0 to be Previewed at 2010 BlogWorld Expo
September 14, 2010
Join us October 15-16 at 2010 BlogWorld Expo
in Las Vegas to preview the new Artisteer 3.0!
The new Artisteer version
3.0 is now scheduled for November 2010 release and will support creating web
pages with content editing right within Artisteer. Experience the same ease
of creating websites as you have experienced when using Artisteer for
creating awesome web designs. The new version will also include basic
support for creating fluid page widths.
2.5 (WordPress 3.0 compatibility update)
August 30, 2010
Artisteer 2.5 was updated to version
to resolve issues mainly related to WordPress 3.0
Artisteer 2.5 for Windows update
Artisteer 2.5 Release Candidate for Mac
Prior to downloading we recommend checking your
upgrade subscription status here,
you may want to stay with your previous version if your upgrade period has
For more information on our upgrade policy please refer to our FAQ.
Here is
the summary of issues resolved by the current update:
- Horizontal menu order was not working
- Empty block headers displayed when no block title was set
- Vertical Menu widget was missing from exported themes when using
previous WordPress versions
- Widgetized footer was inheriting alignment from the footer's text
- Threaded comments were not supported
- Missing page thumbnails
- Posts page item was not highlighted in custom horizontal menus
- Post excerpts were wrapped differently in different browsers
- Empty posts when Artiscle > Headline & Metadata Block option was
- 'Read the rest of this entry' text wasn't translated
- Errors when using PHP 4
- Added support for headings, tables, flash, AdSense, YouTube movies
etc. within post excerpts on the Posts page
- Google Ads not displayed between posts
- Counters not working in FireFox
- Incorrect RightDistance and LeftDistance css code
Version 2.5 update also includes fixes for minor issues reported to product support,
including product stability improvements.
We are continuing to work on supporting
fluid layouts and content editing for the upcoming
product version.
NOTE: The Mac version is considered stable by most
of our Mac users, however, we continue receiving occasional reports of crashes
and performance issues, which makes it reasonable to keep this version
labeled as Release Candidate. A purchased license key can be used on either
Windows or Mac.
Artisteer 2.4 Update/Patch
June 9, 2010
We resolved a few occasional bugs and crashes reported by
Artisteer users and today we are releasing Artisteer 2.4 updates for Windows and Mac, available from the following
Artisteer 2.4 for Windows update
Artisteer 2.4 Release Candidate for Mac
( main resolved issue was a problem with Artisteer crashing when opening and re-saving projects
created with older Artisteer versions. Other resolved issues were quite
rare, such as inability to replace a custom header image with another image
when both images had the same filename.
If you are still experiencing any
crashes or issues with Artisteer please report them to our
product support.
We plan to provide initial
support for fluid layouts and content editing in the upcoming
product version(s), still 2-3 months away.
Currently both Windows and Mac versions are
synchronized in terms of functionality and available features.
Please note that version 2.4 will work only in Trial mode if your free
upgrade period has expired. For more information on our upgrade policy please
refer to our FAQ. You
can check your
upgrade subscription status here.
Artisteer 2.4 Release
Candidate Update for Mac
April 29, 2010
We resolved several crashes reported by Artisteer
users in the Mac version. The updated version 2.4 RC for Mac can be obtained
Artisteer 2.4 RC for Mac
( both Windows and Mac versions are
synchronized in terms of functionality and available features.
Please note that version 2.4 will work only in Trial mode if your free
upgrade period has expired. For more information on our upgrade policy please
refer to our FAQ. You
can check your
upgrade subscription status here.
Artisteer 2.4 Release
Candidate Update for Mac
April 29, 2010
We resolved several crashes reported by Artisteer
users in the Mac version. The updated version 2.4 RC for Mac can be obtained
Artisteer 2.4 RC for Mac
( both Windows and Mac versions are
synchronized in terms of functionality and available features.
Please note that version 2.4 will work only in Trial mode if your free
upgrade period has expired. For more information on our upgrade policy please
refer to our FAQ. You
can check your
upgrade subscription status here.
Artisteer 2.4 Update/Patch
Artisteer 2.4 Release
Candidate for Mac Available
April 24, 2010
Artisteer 2.4 update for Windows and Artisteer 2.4
Release Candidate for Mac are now available for download from the following
Artisteer 2.4 for Windows update
Artisteer 2.4 RC for Mac
( both Windows and Mac versions are
synchronized in terms of functionality and available features.
Here is a summary of fixes and improvements since
the previous 2.4 release:
- Backward compatibility fix for header images when resaving older .artx files.
- Fixed an issue with hyperlink underline style inaccuracies.
- The .artx project file is now saved properly after product activation
(without restarting Artisteer).
- Fixed an issue with certain backgrounds not stretching properly in
non-IE browsers.
- Fixed "path cannot be null" error when opening certain .artx
- Fixed a bug with not loading Color Palettes saved in previous
Artisteer versions.
- Lowercase <filename /> text changes in
- Drupal - Image Assist problem fix.
- Vertical menu displaying outside of the Sheet fixed.
- Resolved the issue with "Switch to Plain Text
editor" gone.
- Headers and photos spacing fix below the
header area.
- Fixed Blogger templates hanging issue in IE7.
- Blogger publishing fix (resulting from changes in Google login form).
- crash fix when changing layouts in Artisteer templates.
Artisteer 2.4 for
Windows Released
March 29, 2010
Artisteer 2.4 for Windows is now available!
previously released Artisteer 2.4 Release Candidate version has
proven fully stable, therefore today it became the official Artisteer
version 2.4.
If you have already installed version there is
nothing else to do, otherwise you can obtain Artisteer 2.4 from the
product download page.
The new
features in 2.4 include:
- Vertical Menu support
- Flash effects in the header
- Sidebar design/skinning
- Color picker in color selection dialogs
Please note that version 2.4 will work only in Trial mode if your free
upgrade period has expired. For more information on our upgrade policy please
refer to our FAQ. You
can check your
upgrade subscription status here.
Mac users, please note that the previous Artisteer 2.3 RC for Mac
available below also seems to be very stable and we are considering
releasing it as the official Artisteer version 2.3 for Mac.
We are
currently finalizing Artisteer 2.4 Beta for Mac, while our main long term
focus remains to support fluid layouts and custom layout definitions.

Artisteer 2.3
Updates for Windows and Mac
March 16, 2010
Artisteer 2.3 for Windows update
( - final version 2.3 update to replace previous photo
objects to comply with new licensing requirements imposed by our stock photo
provider. This update is optional.
Artisteer 2.3 RC for Mac
( - fixes additional crashes.
This version also works
well for most of our customers but we continue investigating certain
system-specific issues reported to us. We are also working on version 2.4
for Mac.
Registered customers can
previous Artisteer versions here.
Artisteer 2.3 for
Windows Updated. Version officially released.
January 20, 2010
The Artisteer version is now the
official version 2.3 available on our
Download page
and CNET.
This is a FREE UPGRADE for all Artisteer 1.x and 2.x users.
Here is the summary of features and fixes accumulated since November 9 via
recent minor updates pre-released here:
- New “Gothic” font theme added.
- Minor fixes in Artisteer GUI translations.
- Artisteer temp files are now deleted from the Windows temporary
- Auto-update notification bug fix.
- Windows “Auto-hide taskbar” option now compatible with Artisteer.
- Exported CSS pointed to 'BlockContentbullets.png' instead of
- Menu fix when separators are added.
- Added space before the /> in html tags.
- Improved block bullet display.
- Adjusted button image alignment in forms.
- Calendar plug-in support.
- Support for the "Allow Comments" option in page settings. Removed
the text “comments are closed” when turned off.
- Sub-items now appear if the parent item is hidden.
- When publishing to Blogger the list of blogs was not always
displayed after providing Blogger login information
- Change the comments form height from 275 to 410 px.
- Followers widget support.
- Some bug fixes for Drupal export.
- Drupal Admin Module conflict fix.
- DOM error fix.
- Panels IE8 compatibility improvements.
- Page titles now appear as links when the node is being displayed as
a “teaser”.
- Missing top menu issues fixed for Drupal 5.
- Case sensitive Containers and Skins folder improvements.
- Block title tag isn't generated if the layout has only login block.
- Page editors can now see the control panels.
- Menu & menu sub-levels bug fixes.
- Highlighting DNN menu items when the sub-item is selected.
- DDNN skin divs disappear on postback for the top menu.
- Fix for the forum module.
Other news and updates:
- We're scheduling version 2.4 Beta (Windows, possibly Mac) for
late January 2010 with support for vertical menus and Flash animations in the
Mac Users: Artisteer
2.3 Release Candidate for Mac Updated to RC3
January 15, 2010
Some of our Mac users continued reporting
infrequent issues that we've resolved and decided to provide one more RC update prior to an official Mac version release. Today's
update resolves the following issues:
- Artisteer no longer requires X Windows System (X11)
- resolved remaining startup problems
- improved program stability based on error logs submitted to us
- resolved issues with clearing the list of recent files and product
Artisteer 2.3 RC3 (version can be downloaded by
clicking here.
Mac Users: Artisteer
2.3 Release Candidate for Mac Updated to RC2
December 18, 2009
We've updated Artisteer 2.3 RC for Mac to
resolve the following issues on certain Macs that some of you reported:
- startup issues
- non-working activation dialog
- certain options couldn't be changed
- project file couldn't be saved
- color selection dialog not allowing entering custom color values
Artisteer 2.3 RC2 (version can be downloaded by
clicking here.
Mac Users: Artisteer 2.3
Release Candidate for Mac Available
December 15, 2009
We made substantial progress with Artisteer
for Mac, updated it to version 2.3 with support for Google's Blogger, and
feel that it is getting close to the final stable version that we can
officially release. We are making it available today as Artisteer
2.3 Release Candidate for Mac OS X 10.5 & 10.6 (Intel based)
available here (70 MB).
We're interested in your feedback about any remaining stability and
functionality issues that you may find. Do you think that this version is
ready for prime time? Let us know via our
feedback page.
Artisteer 2.3 Released!
November 9, 2009
We are proud to announce the release of
Artisteer 2.3 for Windows with support for
Google Blogger (! Please refer to our
press announcement here.
After extensive testing we found the recent release candidate version good to go and this is now the official version 2.3 available on our
Download page.
This is a FREE UPGRADE for all Artisteer 1.x and 2.x users.
The following is the summary of changes and improvements over version 2.2:
- Publishing web designs to Google Blogger with options for image hosting at Picasa, Image
Shack or custom FTP location. Please review export options in Artisteer for available methods of hosting template's images.
- Improved support for DotNetNuke, Joomla, WordPress and Drupal.
- New textures, glares and icons.
- Sample photos included within content to make the template thumbnails
and preview more attractive.
- Added support for Opera 10 in the "Preview in Browser" feature.
- Improved support for Google Translate feature in exported templates.
- Included additional DotNetNuke places (regions) similar to Joomla
- Improved stability and performance.
- Artisteer projects can no longer be saved in trial mode (trial users will need to purchase the product to be able to save projects).
forget to subscribe to our news or
follow us on Twitter.
Other news and updates:
- For Mac users we've recently updated Artisteer 2.2 Beta to support
the new Mac OS X Snow Leopard with newly updated native menus and dialogs.
We continue to work on finalizing an official Mac version release with all
the latest Artisteer features including Blogger support.
- In the next Artisteer version 2.4 we expect to support vertical menus, so
stay tuned!
Mac Users: Artisteer 2.2 Beta for Mac Updated
October 26, 2009
The Artisteer Beta for Mac was updated with the
following changes and improvements
- Implemented compatibility with Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard)
- Most menus and dialogs are now having native Mac GUI look and feel
- Resolved the problem of Artisteer misbehaving after clicking
anywhere within the web design preview area
- Resolved many crashes reported by Mac users
- Resolved compatibility issues with ArtText software installed on
some Macs
- Resolved variety of other issues
The new Artisteer version for Mac OS X 10.5 & 10.6 (Intel based) can be obtained by
clicking here (159 MB).
Please note that this version is still being tested and various minor issues
are still being fixed. We are also working on Artisteer 2.3 for Mac.
General Features
- New graphics: textures, glares and icons.
- Sample photos included within content to make the template thumbnails and preview more attractive.
- Improved product performance.
- Artisteer projects can no longer be saved in trial mode (you will need to purchase the product to be able to save projects).
The Artisteer version 2.3 Beta for Windows can be obtained by
clicking here (62 MB).
Mac users: we are working on resolving a few unexpected issues related to Artisteer compatibility with the new Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard.
Artisteer 2.2 is officially released!
July 29, 2009
Thanks to everyone's feedback during 2.2 beta testing today we've released the official version 2.2, available on our
Download page.
This is a FREE UPGRADE for all Artisteer 1.x and 2.x users.
The following is the summary of changes and improvements over version 2.1:
Artisteer GUI and Web Design Features
- Improved CSS structure changes by adding "art-" prefix to style classes to prevent conflicts with other CSS styles.
- Simplified syntax for styling buttons and links: <input style="art-button">, <a style="art-button">
- Added "Options" button in the export dialog.
- Resolved an issue with footer editing when the PHP option
magic_quotes_gpc is turned on.
- Improved compatibility with Avatar List plugin.
- Added support for module class suffixes as described at
- Resolved an issue with centered menus not shown correctly.
- Fixed incorrect path to spacer.gif in script.js file in Joomla templates.
- Resolved compatibility issues with PHP4.
- Resolved issues with the Menu not working properly in some cases.
- Resolved an issue with missing upload button.
- Resolved compatibility issues with PHP4.
- Added support for DotNetNuke Skins (DNN 4.9 and 5.x)
Other news:
- We are finalizing Blogger support for August/September release.
- Our main long term focus is supporting fluid layouts and custom layout definitions. ETA cannot be predicted due to the complexity of this task.
Artisteer 2.2 for Mac (Beta) update released
July 14, 2009
The new Mac version update resolves the following issues:
- Resolved problems activating Artisteer on certain Mac computers.
- Resolved problems determining whether X11 is installed.
- Resolved problems with loading certain image formats.
- Resolved a few reproducible crashes.
- Converted file open/save/browse dialogs to native Mac dialogs.
- Added shortcut to start the Mac version in debug mode, so that crash debug logs can be provided to product support.
The new Artisteer version 2.2.17737 for Mac OS X 10.5 (Intel based) can be obtained by
clicking here (159 MB).
Previous Mac beta users can download an upgrade to a previous Mac version by
clicking here (5.4 MB).
An Artisteer license can be used on both a PC and a Mac computer during the beta period and can be transferred from PC to Mac after Mac version release. An official release date of the Mac version will be planned after determining how much work is needed to resolve reported issues.
Please send feedback and report reproducible issues to our support via the
Contact Us page.
Note: we are currently looking into possibility of converting additional or all dialogs to native Mac look & feel.
Artisteer 2.2 for Mac (Beta) has arrived
June 26, 2009
Artisteer 2.2 for Mac (Beta) is now available by
clicking here. Couple interesting facts:
- Artisteer for Mac joins the family of products based on cross-platform .NET
framework known as Mono.
- Artisteer might be the first product for Mac OS utilizing the
interface first introduced in Microsoft Office 2007 for Windows.
Technical notes and known issues for beta testers:
- Artisteer for Mac runs on Intel based hardware with OS X version 10.5 (Leopard).
- Artisteer for Mac requires
which is usually installed by default on OS X 10.5.
- Artisteer may require approx 1 minute to start the first time after
- The "Open" and "Save" dialogs display Windows style folder structure
and may require additional navigation to desired Mac folders.
- The top Mac menu bar does not offer an option to quit Artisteer. Use
the Artisteer menu, keyboard shortcut 'Command'+'Q', or the red window close
button to quit.
- Please do not click anywhere within the web design preview area. Currently this disables keyboard shortcuts and may cause other unexpected behavior.
- Certain amount of instability and limitations (as above) are
expected due to limitations of the current Mono framework 2.4.
- There is a slight chance that your Mac computer may freeze when
using Artisteer (this happened once in our tests). Please save all your
work often in case you need to reboot your computer.
- For technical users willing to help us debug occasional crashes,
instructions are available here.
Customers who purchased an Artisteer license can use it on both PC and Mac computers (one each) during the beta period, while after product release it can be used on one computer. An official release date of the Mac version will be planned after receiving detailed issue reports from our beta testers and determining how much work is needed to resolve those issues.
Please send feedback and report reproducible issues to our support via the
Contact Us page.
Artisteer Team now on Twitter!
June 22, 2009
Want to be alerted of Artisteer news and updates?
Follow us on Twitter.
Artisteer 2.1 is officially released
May 7, 2009
After extensive testing we found the recent release candidate version good to go and this is now the official version 2.1 available on our
Download page.
This is a FREE UPGRADE for all Artisteer 1.0 and 2.0 users.
The following is the summary of changes and improvements over version 2.0:
- Many new regions/positions avalable within Joomla and Drupal templates for placing blocks (modules).
- All regions/positions are collapsible (hidden when not used)
- Support for editing the footer area within your CMS administration
(WordPress, Joomla, Drupal)
- The "created with Artisteer" footnote can now be disabled in
export options
- Restructured HTML (DIV) and CSS for reduced size and improved clarity and performance
- Redesigned CSS syntax for improved Dreamweaver CS4 compatibility
- A new program option to turn-off the design auto-preview feature
- Right alignment option for the navigation menu
- Resolved variety of issues reported by our customers
An email announcement will go out to our subscribers shortly!
We are happy to announce that Artisteer 2.0 has arrived
March 10, 2009
The new version of our Automated Web Designer adds support for the most popular
open source content management systems:
Joomla and
Drupal, in addition to
previously supported
Wordpress themes and generic web templates.
The major new features and improvements are listed below:
- support for creating Joomla templates and Drupal themes
- internationalization of Wordpress themes
- typography
- article (blog post) design
- footer design
- support for custom page backgrounds and glares
- sheet transparency
- new abstract header background images
- HTML+CSS validated with W3C validator
- template name, version and other attributes
- minor improvements in exporting CodeCharge Studio and Visual Studio templates bug fixes
Please note that all upgrades are free for one year and all our existing
customers can use version 2.0 with their license key.
Additional information and documentation is available at
For those of you eager to promote Artisteer, we
are finally getting ready to launch our affiliate program via
LinkShare on Monday March 16.
Artisteer is named The Red Ferret Product of the Year 2008
January 28, 2009
Artisteer is named
The Red Ferret Product of the Year 2008
Artisteer 2.0 (Beta) released
January 18, 2009
Artisteer 2.0 Beta with Joomla and Drupal support is now available.
For more information and related discussions please
visit our forums.
December 31, 2008
We are expecting short delay with the planned Joomla support but are working on it every day and will release new product update as soon as possible. Thanks to our customer suggestions the new version will also include Typography and Footer design features. We wish everyone Happy New Year 2009!
December 19, 2008
Artisteer was updated to version to resolve minor Wordpress 2.7 compatibility issues reported by our customers.
November 23, 2008
Artisteer updated to version This patch release includes minor bug fixes, plus support for new languages: French, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Arabic, Chinese (in addition to previously supported English, German, Dutch, Polish and Russian).
September 23, 2008
Community Forums are now open!
September 19, 2008

Artisteer 1.0
officially unveiled at BlogWorld Expo!