Edit Artiseer created theme after importing it in Weebly

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Posted: 8/13/2014
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I am curretly using Artiseer trial version in order to make up my mind to buying it or not.

Because the Weebly export is not available in trial mode, I'd like to know if I could customize and edit the theme (I previously created in Artiseer) after impoting it in Weebly, using the Weebly tools.

Thank you!
Artisteer Team

Posted: 8/14/2014
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Hi Ioana,

Yes, of course, you can continue using Weebly tools to customize content of your template. As for a Weebly customizator of styles - it won't necessary work with our themes. For instance, if you decide to change the font size of menu items from Weebly - different kind of issues can occur (to be more exact, the font will apply as long as menu items don't have subitems). So generally everything that customizes styles from Weebly back-end is not supported by Artisteer themes as Artisteer provides own ways to customize design. As for content - there shouldn't be any issues.

You can contact Artisteer support via this link http://www.artisteer.com/?p=support and we'll provide you with an exported project of any Sample you want (http://www.artisteer.com/?p=free_website_templates) or default Artisteer theme, so you can test them yourself and make a an informed purchase decision.

Best regards,


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