DDBlock slideshow disappears?

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SDOC Publishing

Posted: 10/14/2012
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I'm running a Drupal site for a client. Have been using Artisteer 3 for the current version on Drupal 6 (love it) and I used the version 4 beta to start tinkering with a D7 upgrade. The beta version produced a fantastic D7 template and the front page slideshow driven by the DDBlock module ran better than it ever has before.

Then I upgraded Artisteer to the full release version 4.

Then DDBlock doesn't appear. It's there, and the template sees it. If you do an "inspect element" the block containing the slideshow is present but the variable "visibility: hidden" is added and I have NO idea how. I didn't code for that in any of my CSS and the slideshow works perfectly in the beta-version of the theme. I can create custom blocks with straight HTML content and they appear normally. it's just blocks that contain DDBlock module content that dont' display.

I have a support request into Artisteer but has anyone else noticed this? Any solutions?

Posted: 10/14/2012
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Never mind. I'm either tired and missing obvious things or just an idiot. Forgot to add the custom DDBlock directory into my new Artisteer theme directory. Nothing to see here....


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