Confusion about HTML template

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Al D

Posted: 6/20/2012
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I don't understand why , if you save it in HTML format, you need to load it into an HTML editor. The software itself doesn't create a webpage in HTML? I was pretty set on buying the product till I saw the questions regarding the html editors.

Posted: 6/20/2012
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Artisteer is great at designing CMS type sites (Wordpress, Joomla, etc).

It can create html sites, but it doesn't do to well at that. In reality Artisteer strength is that it is a template creator and not an html editor

Posted: 6/23/2012
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It does support content editing in Website mode.

You don't have to open it in different HTML editor unless you want to change something that Artisteer doesn't do or let you change like the file directory structure, or getting rid of the Artisteer tags that get inserted into every page.

When making HTML sites I personally don't find it ideal to edit too much content outside of Artisteer because you lose template functionality like adding a page and having menus and footers update automatically.

Posted: 6/27/2012
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I think of Artisteer as more of a theme builder than a site builder. I use it for WordPress and sometimes HTML.

For WordPress, I only develop the theme and do everything else live with plugins and PHP.

For HTML, I use it to save tons of time on menus and content placement, but the I use HTML, CSS and SSI to build the site and to easily maintain the menu.

I can't speak for what it's like if someone doesn't know HTML, but for me, it simply speeds up the point where I am adding content.


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