2 Columns

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John B

Posted: 1/12/2012
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I'm working on a page http://www.livs-appetit.dk/
and would like to have the mainbody divided in 2,
left mainbody 2/3 and on the right news 1/3
how do I do
John B

Posted: 1/12/2012
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Quote John B:

I'm working on a page http://www.livs-appetit.dk/
and would like to have the mainbody divided in 2,
left mainbody 2/3 and on the right news 1/3
how do I do

forgot to say Joomla 1.7 and Artisteer

Posted: 1/12/2012
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I think you can easily partition it by displaying articles in two columns.

From your Joomla Admin go to-> menu -> main menu-> Home-> on the right under "Parameters Basic" you can set your preferences.

John B

Posted: 1/18/2012
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Hey Garry
I tried, as you described but no luck, can't find "parameters Basic".
I only use Joomla when I need to change something on the page, so I almost have to start from scratch every time, newbeeeee

On the page I have un-featured all but one article in order to have a clean page, now I went and made "latest articles" featured again, but no luck, any suggestions?

Posted: 1/18/2012
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@ John B

You can also try following instructions for it: http://docs.joomla.org/Managing_the_front_page