Additional Blogger Pages

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Posted: 3/17/2011
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Hi there,

I posted on this a couple of days ago and haven't gotten any responses. Should I just open a support ticket? I didn't want to bother and so that is why I tried here first. I am trying to get more pages for my sub menus and also find out how to add a "sub menu" to a sub menu. In other words, a third layer. All this in blogger. My problem is blogger only allows 10 pages. What do I do from there?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. If I don't get any responses on here, I guess I will have to go and generate a support ticket.

Thank you again for all your help. So far I love your product and hope to tackle a couple of my websites once i get my blogs tweeked.

Thanks again!

BTW the blog I am referring to with the above problem is: if you need to see what I am talking about.

Thanks again!


Posted: 3/18/2011
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Tutorial here:


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