Artisteer 3 - Sidebar columns fall outsite sheet in IE7

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Posted: 2/23/2011
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I created a fixed width template (3 column and 2 columns), but both templates move the sidebars columns out of the sheet in IE7.

Any ideas how to fix this? I tried all the possible options in the IE7 stylesheet, but can't get this to work.



Posted: 2/23/2011
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North Wales Housing - Your Future, Our Future.

And you're worried about IE7?

Oh dear.

Posted: 2/24/2011
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So you don't have an answer then?

Posted: 2/24/2011
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Hi Ewan, it looks like a problem in the script.js file in the bit where it works on the layout for ie7 and below.

The bit that says 'this.clientWidth' isn't returning the expected value. This should be something for Artisteer to fix. I think it works ok if you get the width using jQuery (ie change it to 'jQuery(this).width()' )

If you don't want to change that or to wait for it to be fixed then you could change your columns to a pixel width rather than % width then I don't think you will get the problem.

Posted: 2/24/2011
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I've had (have) the same problem as you. And as Ant wrote, if you a fixed width instead of % it works for me. Having said that I used IE8 and a beta versioj of IE9


Posted: 3/1/2011
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Thanks guys for your input, but still not getting it to work in IE7

