Won't Publish To blogger

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Posted: 1/19/2011
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I have been trying forever to publish my template to my blogger website. I bought my website domain threw blogger.

It will publish to my testerfordesigns.blogspot.com

but not my www.snackbarreviews.com I have been talking to artisteer support and nothing. they keep telling me to download this and try that. I have done ALL of this. Nothing works. It seems to be my header is where it stops in picasa album. I have sent the error messages etc and nothing.

PLEASE help! I have made 3 designs now and want this 3 one published, It's annoying because I bought this WHOLE thing and photo editers for this website.

If It doesn't work, I wasted a crap load of money.

Posted: 1/24/2011
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But www.snackbarreviews.com is working fine and it has the same theme as testerfordesigns


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