Number Of Comments Not Shown

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Posted: 1/5/2011
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I find it weird that the number of comments shows on the 2nd page but not on the homepage. How can I fix this?

Here are screenshots of to show what I'm talking about.

# of comments not shown on home page:

# of comments shown on 2nd page:


Posted: 1/6/2011
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How did you make numbered page navigation?

Posted: 1/6/2011
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I think your problem comes from a conflict with other changes you made on your template. try removing the numbered page navigation and see if the problem fixes.
Also if you'r using the beta version it may be just a bug with the Artisteer.

Posted: 1/6/2011
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Quote Joe:

How did you make numbered page navigation?

Got it from


Posted: 1/6/2011
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Quote Endy:

I think your problem comes from a conflict with other changes you made on your template. try removing the numbered page navigation and see if the problem fixes.
Also if you'r using the beta version it may be just a bug with the Artisteer.

I had the problem before adding the numbered page navigation. In fact, the problem occurred just after uploading the template on my blog. :(

Posted: 1/17/2011
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Kathy, as I can see, the problem is because of the comments plugin disqus which you use on your blog.


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