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Posted: 5/4/2011
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Certainly agree with comment above. NopCommerce is a very good tool in need for the professional themes generated by Artisteer.
Segio Navarro

Posted: 5/28/2011
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I think is a mistake to not support nopCommerce. Why? Well all the solutions you mentioned are php based systems. However NopCommerce is the best ASP.NET based ecommerce solution.

Makes it any difference? The answer for me is clear: yes it makes a great difference. Till now the first wave of ecommerce sites developed has been php based sites just because their owners don't need an ecommerce fully integrated with their ERP which usually are written with Microsoft technologies. However there are other kind of small and medium size bussiness for whom is not enough to have a not fully integrated ecommerce web with their ERP, The developers of these companies currently are forzed to use php solutions for their web sites. This is expensive for them because they are forzed to replicate and maintain updated a great amount of the domain code they have written using .NET technologies also in PHP. They also are forced to hire extra employees with php abilities.

A lot of those business due to the described difficulties has delayed their move to the web. However this is now changing thanks to solutions as NopCommerce which are reaching a high maturity level.

Taking all of this in mind I think it will be a good move to support NopCommerce if you want to continue ridding on the crest of the wave.


Posted: 7/10/2011
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Quote Carole Bennett:

NopCommerce is no more expensive to host than any other e-commerce solution ... NopCommerce is definitely easier to integrate into MS-based apps. It's a great system, and quite robust ...

Agreed. nopCommerce is very strong in the .NET space -- and the ability to customize the code is very high. However the creation of nopCommerce themes is not nearly as easy.

I'm hoping we can raise the interest of the Artisteer developers to support nopCommerce themes, which are rather difficult to produce by hand.

Posted: 10/20/2011
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Yup...... it's that faaaaaar down the list I even never heard of it...

Let's say popularity equals importance... what would you do first.
Do Magento (or PrestaShop, osCommerce) or do nopCommerce?

Don't think Artisteer can make money on nopCommerce... however many are using Magento. The latter will spend their money on this...
Olivier Jooris

Posted: 6/27/2012
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At Megawebsites we would be very glad if nopCommerce would be 1 of the possible systems that was implemented in artisteer. This store is getting a more and more share in the market every day.


Posted: 7/20/2012
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Possibly with the new V4 Plug-in SDK we can take a look at this topic again?
Olivier Jooris

Posted: 11/4/2013
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So much nopCommerce/Artisteer experts here,
Is there anybody I can hire to do this for me?

Olivier Jooris
Roberto Mickel

Posted: 7/24/2014
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Alguna noticia sobre la posibilidad de poder hacer plantillas para nopCommerce???

Creo que ya es hora!