Column Width Problem

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Posted: 1/25/2010
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I have a column width problem on IE. I am not sure whether this is a template problem or a Joomla problem.

I can adjust the column width for the template - left for navigation; right for body for example. That is not the problem.

But when I adjust the number of columns - in Joomla - in a menu (connected to a section) to display the article names & intros (in 2 columns for example) I expect to see two equal width columns listing the article names etc. in the body section.

I get this in Safari and Firefox. But in IE, there are two problems:
1) the column widths are not equal. It is as if the browser uses the template column proportions - left column is narrower, right column is wider.

2) Although I chose "across" in the "Multi column order" in Advanced parameters for the menu, I get the last three items listed vertically, instead of across. So I have a disturbing blank space where the second column should be in the bottom.

Here is the link to the trial page:

Can anyone explain/ help what is going on here and how I can fix it?



Posted: 1/25/2010
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I think it's the .column-separator class in the template.css. There's padding (in two places) and I believe in IE it's getting doubled because of an inherited float.

Try commenting out those two places in the template.css:

.column_separator {

.column_separator {

(put /* and */ around them)

So the above would be:

/* .column_separator {
} */

/* .column_separator {
} */

That's, at least, my guess at this point.

Posted: 1/25/2010
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Thanks for your suggestion.

Unfortunately it did not work.

I tried to change various column parameters in the template.css (padding, width etc.)
Those changes show on Safari & Firefox. But nothing on IE.
The problems remain.


Posted: 1/25/2010
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template.IE6.css and template.IE7.css controls the rendering of your site in IE6 and IE7 respectively, try making changes also in both css files.

Posted: 2/8/2010
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I'm having the exact same problem. 2 columns show up with equal width in Firefox of Chrome but are unequal in Explorer.


Posted: 3/27/2010
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I had that problem in firefox, and partialy apply Tom`s sugestion.

.column_separator {
padding-left: 0px; SET PADDING TO 0PX

/* .column_separator {
padding-left:0.4em; DISABLE
} */

Posted: 9/20/2010
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Has anyone found the solution to this. I am having the same problem. I tried the recommendations above but they do not work.

Posted: 9/20/2010
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Ok. I tried something that appears to have worked. I adjusted the sidebar widths to "auto" and left the middle section at 60%. To view the changes I had to hit control F5 so that I could get a hard refresh and then it appeared.

I hope this helps.

Posted: 9/28/2011
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My problem with 2 columns not showing up properly has been resolved when I exported my template with an newer version of Artisteer.

Thank you.

Did I say I love Artisteer? I love Artisteer!