Header Issues

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Posted: 11/11/2009
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This is my first time creating a blogger template and I used Image Shack to upload the images from Artisteer. I uploaded my header to my Photobucket account though, because Artisteer's default for headers is not-so-good jpegs. So, my problem is that my uploaded header isn't displaying correctly. It should have a top on it like a notebook.

You can view how my header is supposed to look here: http://i916.photobucket.com/albums/ad3/bellamour/blogger/meheartheadertext.png

And you can view my blogger layout here: http://bellamourtest.blogspot.com/

Any help is SO very much appreciated. Thank you :)

Oh, and on a side note: Why is it that even though I may change the Color Theme for my layouts in Artisteer but the footnote colors don't always change?

Posted: 11/11/2009
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Looks perfect to me in Firefox and IE7.
I have just started working in Blogger. How do you get the menu for Facebook, twitter etc? Have not tried that in blogger yet but it would be a great thing to add for people.

By the way, Great looking blog

Posted: 11/11/2009
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figured out the Menu system.

Posted: 11/11/2009
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What's wrong with your header? The lower part is a little truncated but that because the size of your header is 229 pixels while the height of your image is 269 pixels.

Also, in Artisteer, you have a choice for the type of image: JPEG (with or without a higher resolution) or PGN for the background; you could try these.

As for your side note about the Color Theme, if you have chosen a custom color for your footnote, it won't change if you ask for suggestion for the color theme.

Posted: 11/11/2009
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Quote Sylvain:

What's wrong with your header? The lower part is a little truncated but that because the size of your header is 229 pixels while the height of your image is 269 pixels.

Also, in Artisteer, you have a choice for the type of image: JPEG (with or without a higher resolution) or PGN for the background; you could try these.

As for your side note about the Color Theme, if you have chosen a custom color for your footnote, it won't change if you ask for suggestion for the color theme.

Well, the header height shouldn't have been changed, I don't know what happened. But I just changed the pixels to match the actual height of my header and it's still not showing up correctly.

But how do you choose what type of image, like you said? Where do you choose between JPEG and PNG in Artisteer?

Thank you. :)


Posted: 11/11/2009
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Well, it seems I can't choose between JPEG and its quality or PNG because I only have the Home version of Artisteer. I guess I will have to find a way for the header to show the top part of it somehow.
Ashley W.

Posted: 11/22/2009
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I downloaded the trial version, created a background, and exported it to my blogger blog. I didn't like it. So I changed it back to what I had before.

Except now there are things missing. The header doesn't even appear anymore, and the title, date, and footer are all messed up with my posts. I also had a post divider that is not even showing up.

Yes, I copied and saved my blog before I exported and published the template from Artisteer. This program is crap! It will ruin your blog.

Brett Bumeter

Posted: 11/23/2009
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Quote Ashley W.:


I downloaded the trial version, created a background, and exported it to my blogger blog. I didn't like it. So I changed it back to what I had before.

Except now there are things missing. The header doesn't even appear anymore, and the title, date, and footer are all messed up with my posts. I also had a post divider that is not even showing up.

Yes, I copied and saved my blog before I exported and published the template from Artisteer. This program is crap! It will ruin your blog.


Did you get a screen shot of your gadget setup before you switched? Not only do you have to backup your template in blogger, but you need to make sure that your gadgets for things like your header are set up/re-set up the way they used to be setup.

Your complaints point to the problems and weaknesses in blogger more than anything. Blogger is a great tool, but it also has some fundamental flaws, which is why so many people usually move on to better systems like WordPress or Drupal when they have time or money to do so.

Posted: 1/20/2010
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Blessed be the person that can help me fix some few things in my blog.


My Header background image and foreground image aligned badly after editing the image paths in main.xml. I checked the html code and found that the width = 892px;
height = 225px;

And my menu bar don't seem to be in its proper color, just like when I designed it with ARTISTEER.

But the height and width of my published HEADER is not up to 100 by 50.
Somebody please help me fix the header. my blog address is w3freedom.blogspot.com

Posted: 4/20/2010
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I made a WordPress Theme, which I installed in a web site. After a while, I edited the Theme changing colors and the header slogan. I saved and exported it and uploaded the theme to the web site. But the problem is that the header has not been modified although colors and the layout were modified.

Posted: 5/15/2010
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I uploaded the template and it looks great, the only problem I have so far is the fact that you still can see the titel from blogger, which of course I do not like,

Does someone know how to change this,
greetings Judith

Posted: 10/27/2010
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:-@ :-@ :-@

I Would suggest that Artisteer (currently using Artisteer 2.5.31067) is good if you want to use it once, to create a one time template to export and upload to your wordpress, drupal, Joomla, etc. It does cut a lot of the crappy coding out of your day, but if you ever want to make a change to the .artx file, which by the way open in winzip, or winrar cause its just an archive, FORGET IT!

Artisteer is a one off system!

My point being that I have purchased Artisteer and do use it as a one off to create a template then have to use Dreamweaver if I want to modify it again.... Why? The archived template does not SAVE properly, backgrounds, layouts etc all get ditched so you end up with a good colour scheme but nothing else is linked properly in the XML File created in the artx archive. WHY NOT MANUALLY FIX IT? No no no no no no! Don't do that Artisteer will complain that the file was created in a previous version and will ditch all your manual changes anyway.

There is a difference between saving the template and exporting it. If you want to save the master template for later editing you save it as an .artx file (a fancy name for a zip), If I were you I wouldn't bother with this application if you are developing websites, but if you are learning web design its good for a one off play around.

This statement is not unfounded, as I have downloaded the new test version of Artisteer 3.0 today, and it does exactly the same thing.

:-@ :-@ :-@ :-@ :-@ :-@


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