Rotating Headers w/rotate.php

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Posted: 4/15/2009
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I use a number of Drupal themes that allow one to rotate the header image with a script, rotate.php. Does anyone know how to integrate it with an Artisteer generated theme?

I could then use Artisteer to generate several different headers and integrate those into the theme using the rotate.php script.
Reg Number

Posted: 4/15/2009
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Here's an example a great theme using rotate.php:

Posted: 4/17/2009
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I would edit your css file:

position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 994px;
height: 60px;
background-image: url('images/Header.jpg');
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: center center;

and change this:

background-image: url('images/Header.jpg');


background-image: url('rotate-banners/rotate.php');

should work ok.

Posted: 4/17/2009
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I didn' t now that you can replace a jpg for a php-commando in a css-file :-O
Reg Number

Posted: 4/18/2009
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It works! Thanks!

For anyone wanting use this method, you may have to clear your cached pages in drupal for this to take effect: Site Configuration>Performance>Clear Cache.
IT Guy 3000

Posted: 7/24/2009
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Hi all ... is there a good way to assign specific header images in an Artisteer (Drupal) theme to specific URL aliases or nodes? (As opposed to random rotation?)

In WP, there's a module that does it, but the Drupal "Header" contributed module doesn't seem to play nice with an Artisteer theme. Or at least we can't make it play nice. And we tried to figure out how to do it in CSS with no luck so far.

Here's the instructions for the Drupal header module -

Really hoping to sort this out. Seems like there should be a straightforward way to do this. We have certain site sections that need a different header image; everything else Artisteer kicked out is superb!

Thanks for any help or suggestions!


Posted: 3/11/2010
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If replacement image is not so high (ex: from 200px to 100px), there is no layout problem?

Posted: 3/7/2012
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Where do you get the rotate.php?

Posted: 3/14/2012
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Quote joel:

Please check out the drupal slideview module.

It allows for managing the images in drupal and use the awesome imagecache on it. The view can be made in a block. The block can be placed in the header.

Joel the drupal way

I'm assuming you mean the Views Slideshow Module? There is no "Drupal Slideshow Module", however there are many slide-show modules.


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