Problem with left column

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Posted: 2/7/2011
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Hi on my template designed by arteester, I got a problem with a left column on the two colums design.
F.E. If I got two items on left, a menu and a custom module one of them appears top of each other and I can not include more items (menus,custom modules,img etc...).

Could some one help me please???
Regards Enrique.

Posted: 2/7/2011
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Hmm. Are you sure they are in the left position? Do you have a link?

What artisteer version and which joomla??


Posted: 2/7/2011
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We won't be able to help unless you give us a link so we can see the problem.

Posted: 2/14/2011
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Hi Thanks about your help and sorry about my delay!!!

the link is it is my site I am trying to solve this
but I don´t know what happend!!
As you can see on the left side it is a menu witha blanck position, there is am a custom html wich contains a image with a link and it doesn´t appears and some times they appears menu above.
Could be an css Matter or an Arteester problem? my version is Edición Estándar

Posted: 2/14/2011
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I was trying and it is something about css, how can I show the first banner image on the left without the "art-bloque" only I want show the custom.

Posted: 2/15/2011
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It was a css matter, I take out some styles on the custom html code and it is ok!!!, I apply a art-nostyle and I create my own custom css and it is ok!!!!

Regards and thanks about your help.



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