jQuery errors between skins and modules

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Posted: 5/3/2011
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First off, I am not a programmer or coder. I like tools like Artisteer because they get me a LONG way before I run into a problem like this.

I recently purchased a Event and Calendar module that works very well with the default DNN blue skin - in fact they clearly state they test it with that skin before release.

But if I try to use this particular module with a skin I created using Artisteer, the module starts getting really quirky. The module's makers claim, and I quote,

"Yes, our modules are tested with Default DNN Blue skin before it is shipped. It will work with most of the skins if no different jQuery scripts are loaded.
If your skin does not work well, you must check on the scripts used by your skin and try to make it compatible."

By no means am I asking Artisteer to make edits in their product just to fit this one module, but what I would like to know is if someone can teach me in one or two responses (yeah, right) just what a jQuery is, where I find it in the package of Artisteer files, and how to edit it to fix my problems, or tell me what part of the Artisteer package might cause a module to misfunction so that I can modify/create skins that will not affect other modules. (And I would like the letter 'M' deleted from the English language).
Steven Webster

Posted: 5/8/2011
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You can find out more about JQuery here: http://jquery.com/

Artisteer uses Jquery to handle things like hdigin the sidebar content panes when no content is in there, among other UI items.

I've had luck using Event Calendar (assuming you mean the one from Invenmanager) with Artisteer skins and have not run into any JQuery conflicts.

I have run into a few CSS (Cascading Stylesheet) conflicts but those are easily addressed. with some minor edits.


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