DNN 5.61 formatting issues

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Posted: 3/7/2011
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Hello all

I have submitted a ticket but have yet to hear back. So I decided to post here perhaps folks here can assist.

First if you look at my site http:www.wodnews.net and go to the forums, the top white bar with the "Active topics" "Members" etc links, those links are all unaligned as you can clearly see. When I login they are then indented far to the right.

Also the text editor I use Cute Edit does not render correctly. The tool bars are all broken up on various rows.

You can see a screen shot of the 2 issues here if you scroll down a bit;

Any help appreciated. I am assuming some kind of manual edit of the .css file is required to fix this?

Cappaert Luc

Posted: 3/10/2011
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In the "Articles" tab, in the "text formatting" section, set align to "left" (default is "justified") ...

Posted: 3/18/2011
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I have tried default, left and center article justification and the issue still persists.. any other ideas?


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