Blocks with title changed to <none> still show link to node

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Posted: 7/24/2009
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I use a module called nodeblocks to assign pages, stories, etc to the left and right columns. When I configure the block to NOT show a title by titling it <none> I still get a title that is a link to the node. My reason for doing this is to display clickable images "ads" along the right side. I do not want rotating ads but a number of them running down the side.

Any help would be appreciated.

Posted: 7/28/2009
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I should clarify the word "ad" These are public library sites and use "ads" to advertise things like a summer reading program or their homework help site, internal things like that. Not, paid ads.

I sent an email to Artisteer support about this too. Has anyone ever heard back from them? Just curious. I can't use this program if I can't figure out this problem and I will have wasted a good deal of $$$$. With my agency and the public libraries we support just taking a 30% state budget cuts losing $129 is definitely noticeable.