Glare Image On Top Of Sheet

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Posted: 2/21/2010
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I'd like to have the glare image be positioned on top of the sheet, but still behind the menu, and no matter how much I mess with the z-index or position, I can't seem to get it in the exact position I'd like. I can get it on top of the sheet, but then it covers up the navigation bar. I know there should be a simple solution to this.

Thanks in advance!

Posted: 2/23/2010
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Not sure to understand what you want to do. There is something wrong at this moment with your site and it's the image but I don't that solving this problem is what's your asking for.

In the case of the z-index, this value is only a part of the whole equation and the hierarchy of the <div> elements for the whole page and the position of any image inside this hierarchy is also important.

You cannot just play with the z-index value of an image and make anything work.



Posted: 3/13/2010
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You can try placing your glare image in center top and adding top margin to sheet.

Posted: 3/20/2010
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Funnily enough, just today I tried this out, and by changing the z-index it worked perfectly well, but on a page where I had no horizontal menu. I suppose the answer would be to check that your menu is placed at a greater distance from the top of the page than where the glare finishes so that there is no overlapping.

Posted: 4/9/2010
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I was able to change the glare with the z-index although in retrospect, it's probably not the best solution. The link I gave was for my test site I use for customers, so it's changed considerably since I posted and really has nothing to do with the question I posted earlier. I think a better solution for what I wanted to do was to extend the header beyond the size of the sheet or use a transparent sheet. I've designed centered header and glare images to look like one image which works fairly well, or I've just deleted the header image so that you can only see the glare image or inserted pngs into the header area which works as well.