How to make text wrap in block headers

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Posted: 1/17/2010
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Is there a way to make the header in blocks expand in height to accommodate longer titles? As it is now, if my header title is too long the text will spill outside the header image. Here is an example:

I would like the header to expand for longer titles to expand to look like this:


Posted: 1/20/2010
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I'm wondering if there is not way to do this or I didn't word my question correctly?

Posted: 1/20/2010
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@FV: you did word your question correctly but it's a much more difficult thing to do than what appears at the first sight and will require some substantial modifications to both the CSS and the VBA code of the Blogger's template.

I'll try to take a look at the that in a few days but I don't promise anything.



Posted: 1/21/2010
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Ok, thanks so much. I wondered if it was an option that I was missing somewhere in the software or if it would be a hack after the fact. I appreciate your response. :-)

Posted: 1/22/2010
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I have the same problem.
When I export the design as a Joomla Template, I lose the wrapping around feature that is available in the default Joomla templates.


Posted: 5/7/2010
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Yes, I have the same problem too!
Is there any solution for that?
