Artisteer + Wordpress pro eager to help you out!

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Posted: 4/4/2013
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You are the man! I sent you a contact email on your site. Would like to speak to you.
Rob G.

Posted: 4/5/2013
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I just installed a new Artisteer template (v4.1) in our Wordpress (v3.5.1) at
The first thing I don't understand is why the heading of the post on the page says "Post" and not the title of the post that I entered, which does show up in the Recent Posts widget. I looked all through the settings in Wordpress admin, and I don't see a way to change it - is this something to do with my template, and if so - how do I fix it? If it is something I need to change in Wordpress, please let me know that too.

Posted: 4/5/2013
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Thank for the Help.

Here is the post that I need help with; it's about IE 8 and transparent PNG's

If you look @ the post link below you can see that's it's basically answered but, I have a question about the css file to edit.

Thank ahead of time.


Posted: 4/5/2013
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hi Zach, I have a Q. How would I style the comments section? For a mostly white site, the comments section looks like one big block without a divider or anyway to style the comments section. also i'm working with artisteer 3.1 for the mac, so i really need to know how to hack the comments php without breaking the site. thanks in advance. vanita
Rob G.

Posted: 4/5/2013
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Also, Zach, if you don't mind telling me - what program(s) do you use to create your awesome tutorial videos? Thanks,


Posted: 4/6/2013
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Glad I could help Barry. :)

Rob, that's a really weird issue. Without seeing the back-end, it's hard to say. Try creating a new page from scratch in your WP dashboard and see if it does it. Have you made any custom changes to your php files? And I use camtasia for my videos, as well as my logitech webcam software, since camtasia often messes up when I try to record my face and my screen at the same time.

Shawn, I'll go take a look at that other post of yours.

Vanita, you can do a lot with straight CSS in Wordpress. I didn't like how the comments looked on my site initially, and so I added border-bottoms to each of the comments, messed with the photos, etc. I have a CSS training that you may find helpful.

Zach Swinehart

Learn how to create great Artisteer websites with my free step-by-step video training!


Posted: 4/7/2013
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Actually I figured it out. In Wordpress Export Options you can say NO to responsive and that fixed BOTH my first problem and the zooming problem.

My only bitch now is that I tried to set min and max sheet size to 900 but min only wants to let me set it to 800 - it will not take 900. I have to manually modify the styles.css file. I think that is an Aritisteer bug.

Also there is a slight alignment issue on the body which I am still working on..

Posted: 4/9/2013
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Glad you figured it out! It woulda been a pretty easy fix, but I would have had to look it up. Something to do with the meta viewport. Why do you want to set the min sheet size to be so large vs just having a sheet size? (i.e. no min/max since you're not doing responsive)
Mark W

Posted: 4/12/2013
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Hi, Zach. I've been using Artisteer for a couple of years, exclusively with Wordpress. I have an issue I haven't been able to figure out. When I design a site in Artisteer and include "Content Styling" -- the colored boxes with borders into which you can place text and images, they look great when I first export the Artisteer theme to Wordpress. However, I can't seem to find a way to include the Content Styling colored boxes in NEW Pages or Posts.

Here's an example of a post that has a simple border:

But if I copy the HTML of that page and create a new post, that border styling is gone. How do I leverage the Content Styling I created in Artisteer on new content I create in Wordpress?

Thanks for any insights.

Posted: 4/12/2013
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Nice job on the site -- super sexy!

The way artisteer styles it is kinda dumb, but also kinda makes sense. Looking at the CSS, I see that it's a nested styling for only that page id. So in other words, it only works on that specific page. Here's what I'd recommend:

Instead of wrapping everything with that <div class="art-content-layout-wrapper layout-item-0">, wrap it with this:

<div class="custom-border-layout-wrapper">

Then, go into appearance -> editor and paste this in there at the very bottom:
.custom-border-layout-wrapper {border: 1px solid #b5b5b5;}

You should definitely check out my CSS training, or the free CSS crash course when it comes out. It'll help you a lot.

Posted: 5/17/2013
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Hi Zach,

I have a couple of questions, as much about wordpress as artisteer.

First I have a main site with its own theme. From this site users can go to some related areas - like a Training Site and an Activity Library. Those two are standalone things. The Training site for example is Moodle.

I like my main web site design which was created by a friend. This has about 16 menu options. None of these have a side bar. Virstual all of them can be created from one template. On one page I need a different look and feel and a side bar. This is my blog page. Can I create a template in artisteer and add that to current theme. I still want my horizontal and vertical menues, So this just fits into the space. I only want the sidebar on this page.

Final question do you know how to add an image to menu option on wordpress.

Posted: 7/9/2013
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Hi, do anyone know how to fix this in the theme? I got one working "title"
and seen a post on here about the updated, But it did not working. PLEASE HELP

entry-title: My New Website
Error: Missing required field "updated".
Error: Missing required hCard "author".

Posted: 11/27/2013
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Some Wordpress templates have the ability to "set featured image" in a post, and then that image is set as the main (large) image at the top of the article automatically, and set as the thumbnail image for the "feature".

It has come to my attention that Artisteer templates do not have this capability. I would like to know if anyone knows of a way to have this feature in an artisteer template, whether it be via code or plugin.

Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Posted: 11/28/2013
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Some Wordpress templates have the ability to "set featured image" in a post, and then that image is set as the main (large) image at the top of the article automatically, and set as the thumbnail image for the "feature".

It has come to my attention that Artisteer templates do not have this capability. I would like to know if anyone knows of a way to have this feature in an artisteer template, whether it be via code or plugin.

Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Posted: 11/28/2013
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Some templates have a feature that when you set the featured image, it shows up as a full size image at the top of the post and a thumbnail as the feature image, automatically. Artisteer templates do not allow this. Does anyone know of a way to make the template do this, whether it be via editing code, adding code, or some plugin?

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Posted: 11/28/2013
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Hey Susan - I think what you're trying to say, is that some templates have a feature that when you set the featured image, it shows up as a full size image at the top of the post and a thumbnail as the feature image, automatically. Artisteer templates do not allow this. Does anyone know of a way to make the template do this, whether it be via editing code, adding code, or some plugin?

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Posted: 11/29/2013
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in the theme i set aligning of table cell (td) to the left.

but on some tables i need to align to the center.

i type text and align center, i use TinyMce advanced to align center in cell properties, i use very css trick i know to align center, and still in the browser it aligns to left.

the theme setting "wins" over the new settings for the specific table.

how can i align the text to center of table cell?

when i do view source i see:
"<td class="aligncenter" align="center">hi</td"
in the admin wysiwyg it aligns to center.

and yet in the browser (surfer side) it aligns to left.


Posted: 12/1/2013
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Hi Zach, artisteer 4 is driving me crazy. Specifically columns widgets etc.
ex: when i decide to go with a template and its (3-column page w/blocks on the left and right sides) now with art4 when i upload it i cant get the columns to look like it did in artisteer. when i upload the widgets there everywhere there not supposed to be(top bottom but not on left or right side bars. help plz

Posted: 4/27/2016
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hello, how do i change my background to a video? i would like the effect of ink flow effect for my website. I am not really good at computers so please make the instructions simple and easy to understand thanks.
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