Responsive works but header image not... please help

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Efforts Unlimited

Posted: 8/19/2014
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I don't know how it works.

Posted: 8/19/2014
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The issue I've found is that having an image in your header, it does not resize when viewed on a screen as small as a mobile device, such as an iPhone.

The work around that I've used, on my website, is to have a smaller version of the same image that only is visible on mobile phones.

If you right click on a header image, when creating/editing your template in Artisteer, you'll see an option that says, "Visible" in the dropdown menu. Using that option, you can make the main image only visible on desktops and tablets and then set the smaller image to be visible only on mobile phones.

That's what I've done and it seems to work well, for me. You can check out my website - - to see how this technique works.

Try minimizing your browser window and resizing it to the width of an iPhone screen & you'll see how the smaller image replaces the larger one.

I hope this helps! :-)

Posted: 12/8/2014
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I have found a simple way round this, you may or may not like it though.
Go to Responsive View top right, click Display Hidden Objects. Then check the header for each device. If you find some crowding, you can then go back to your actual header, click on it then right click, and you can at this point make that object/text appear or not for each chosen device which will avoid crowding. Not the perfect solution but at least simple.

Posted: 12/8/2014
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Just seen your message Jae well done great idea and taking what I have said one step further. Thanks for the suggestion!! :-)
Max Laing

Posted: 1/15/2015
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Regardless of anyone's "good opinion" about what someone should or should not know, the fact that Artisteer cannot see fit to include something so basic as an option to the type of header that someone might want to include is, at this point, deeply troubling. I have been programming for just under 35 years now in an array of different languages and can easily fix the issue at hand. The fact that I can or that someone cannot is not the issue. The unwillingness or inability of the development team at Artisteer to actively decide to NOT include such a basic requirement of responsive theme design is. The first few years of this product not addressing this rather obvious need offered reason for mild concern. The persistent absense of such a basic feature of web design functionality when considering the ever-expanding array of devices that one's site may be seen on can only be seen as arrogant at best. Having witnessed new additions to the Artisteer product and the modification of their implementation of a growing list of user interface elements, the addition of an option for header image scaling would be little more than childs play.

Posted: 5/13/2015
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Quote Karin:

I have found a simple way round this, you may or may not like it though.
Go to Responsive View top right, click Display Hidden Objects. Then check the header for each device. If you find some crowding, you can then go back to your actual header, click on it then right click, and you can at this point make that object/text appear or not for each chosen device which will avoid crowding. Not the perfect solution but at least simple.

In-freaking-genus!! two days 10 attempts and it was right there... :-@ :-< ;-)

Posted: 5/17/2015
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Quote Stewart:

What in the world has that got to with the price of fish?

Richard Branson doesn't build planes or drive the globe fixing broadband cables in place. I did see him once cuting a record but he messed it up. He had to get someone else to help. doeh.

Posted: 5/19/2015
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@ Artisteer team

It seems to me that it could be an idea to make more tutorials about Responsive header ..... PLEASE DO :-)

This post is a example : People are confused and in the need of more info


Posted: 5/29/2015
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Quote WOW:

So you are a web consultant with paying clients but you refuse to learn html, css or anything else web consultants actually do? Really? Do your clients know this?

I know this post is old but I am shocked at the nerve of some people. WoW and such others in particular. How dare you question whether somebody charges or doesnt charge for a website, to be asking a support question for a product they have purchased. What a disgrace you are and what are you doing on an Artisteer blog if you are such know-alls anyway!!!! I do not know HTML or any fancy tricks and I do websites for not-for-profit charities for FREE!!!! I use Artisteer to help me in the process. How dare you question one's motives and technical skills when one asks a technical question!!!! Perhaps you smart-arsed know-alls are intimidated by the fact that, as Chewy says, technology is making it easier and easier for people to do their own thing...taking away that little "mystery" you hold on to to make yourself seem superior!

Posted: 9/15/2019
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anyone solve this issue?
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