New version artisteer ???

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Posted: 7/11/2012
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Seriously $60.00 a year (optional) upgrade
if you have done a template for yourself or a client in 2.0, it was most likely working, if they are wanting an upgrade and 3.0 has to be used, well back luck. But 3.0 will be better, and I am pretty sure you are charging them? If you are not you are &^^%%** silly, anyway $60.00 - or $5.00 a month, is that a problem, you are not charging or making any money..>>> jobs dot com

Quote Nick:


When I first bought Artisteer, Artisteer was at 2.0. Are the templates from 2.0 fully compatible with the current versions of cms? NO. You have to upgrade. Yes, no one is forcing me to buy anything. BUT IT COSTS ME $60/year to keep current. According to their facts, they promised 2-3 updates per year. THAT'S WHAT WE ARE PAYING FOR!!! Now that I'm not getting the 2-3 times a year upgrades, do I get a refund, since I bought the upgrade on that promise up front, and they don't deliver? NO. I'm not even asking fro that.

As I posted before, I am not a complainer, but unlike you, I'm not a kiss-ass either!

Artisteer, is the best software at a very fair price. However, the last year or so, their production team is extremely slow, and they are arrogant, and dismissive of their customers. Can you argue these facts? Then let's hear them. Where are the 2-3 upgrades per year that they promised in the FAQ page?

I am not a complainer as you distorted the facts, but impatiently waiting for 4.0. Am I yelling and screaming, like some others? NO. But I am fair in my presentation of facts. Read my previous post again. As much as I hate complainers, the same type of people you talk about, I equally hate people that distort the facts, stretch things to make their false points.

So where am I wrong here? I paid up front $60 (even though nobody forced me) for this upgrade!!! Just because nobody forced me, I should not have any expectations? I should ignore their promises from their FAQ pages? It would at least be nice to get some explanations and/roadmap when they don't deliver as promised. Instead we get ignored. Things were not like this 3+ years ago.

And don't give me the "FREE UPGRADE" crap. We pay for it, although, yes nobody is forcing us.


Posted: 7/12/2012
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Rusty you truly are a knob

Posted: 7/12/2012
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I am waiting the new version.... since last year.... now onto Web there was many revolutions, like HTML5, CSS3, Responsive Template that support also mobile devices..... Artisteer now becomes OLD.
Do you know other New template Maker ?

Posted: 7/12/2012
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Please post suggestions for a modernized template creation app. money is not the issue for me. I already have a 3.x license and it has worked fine so far but it doesn't seem like artisteer devs and/or admins here have any interest at all in keeping their somewhat dedicated users informed and happy. The menu system is bland and dated in artisteer and there really needs to be a native feature for more than 3 columns for use with joomla

Posted: 7/12/2012
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I love Artisteer always have and trust that they are going to have a great new/updated product soon.


Posted: 7/13/2012
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Boo Hoo Boo Dee Hoo Hoo

Posted: 7/15/2012
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Quote Marco:

BUT: He is right!

Better wait a bit longer and all is fine...

I really need the new version for 3 new products and i hope it comes soon.

But, like steve says: Better bit later and working well, than have a life in nightmare! ;)


I have a question about this: I have had several potential clients ask me for a WordPress website theme with the sliding image/header/banner/slide-show thing and a grid layout. I'm thinking about getting Templateer since it's supposed to enable this effect and is relatively inexpensive. But I keep checking every day for the Artisteer update that may contain these changes. Is there any deadline or date that they're supposed to come out with the update by? Do you think Templateer would be worth it for the effects I mentioned or are there "work-arounds?"


Posted: 7/16/2012
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Artisteer 4.0 beta is available for download now:

Posted: 7/18/2012
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Sounds stupid now, but we were arguing for the same thing, we both agreed 90% of the time, sorry for the heated moments, I do apologize man!!! Truly... We were both mainly saying the same things...

When my time comes up, I will extend too, even though I said I wouldn't because Artisteer does not support responsive design...

I am glad you still like me, now let's get the bugs out ...
Ruth Caron

Posted: 7/29/2012
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First of all there is no other program like Artisteer, second its awesome, third a beta is a tester to work out the bugs, all software even adobe goes through that. Adobe Muse had a Beta version with alot of bugs and it took them a year to iron them out and it still has some bugs. I love this software and Im willing to wait for them to fix the bugs. Nothing good comes easy in life ever. I guess all the complainers can try to get a job at Extensoft and fix it faster.
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