Custom Module Positions

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Posted: 11/4/2014
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Thank you for your wonderful posts on adding a module. I have successfully added a module!
The only problem is, it's not mobile friendly. What code do i need to make it mobile?

Posted: 11/4/2014
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Do you have a link?

I'm going blind here but you can try
width: 100%;

Use % instead of px

Posted: 11/4/2014
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thanks so much jrgweb! I tried width 100% to no avail. the site is it's the phone number postion that i added. on the phone it shows up off the screen next to the menu bar. not sure where to change or add the code.

Posted: 11/5/2014
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So it looks like when scaled below 1200px it disappears.
So to keep it in focus add the .responsive class.


.responsive .tte-headposition5 {
top: 0 !important;
left: 0 !important;
margin-left: 0 !important;

You can tweak the location of the number.
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