Responsive Design in future releases?

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Posted: 1/27/2013
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It doesn't look like you have the "responsive web design" option activated when you export. On your page, I should see a link to two files that resemble the following:

1) style.responsive.css
2) style.responsive.css

None of those file exist on your page. (You're also missing the "viewport" meta tag.) Your page width is simply responding to a min-width set size and is not responsive at all.

Just before you export, you should select the "Options" button on the bottom-right corner of the Export window. In the newly opened "Options" window, select "General" >> "Responsive Web Design." Make sure the pull-down menud reads "Yes."

If that doesn't work install 4.0.


Posted: 1/27/2013
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The two files are actually:

1) style.responsive.css
2) style.responsive.js

Posted: 10/13/2013
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I'm still running Artisteer 3.1 which is not a responsive template. If I upgrade to 4.0, will it give me the option to make a website responsive? I'm use Mac OS.


Posted: 10/14/2013
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Unless things have changed, I don't think Artisteer 4.x supports Mac OS as a development platform. I think support stopped with 3.1.

However, if you have access to a PC platform, then Artisteer 4.0 will read your old project files and should be able to export them into 4.0 (responsive) format.
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