Comments on WordPress pages

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Posted: 9/25/2008
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Is there an easy way to set the WordPress template so that comments can be entered on pages as well as posts? Or do we have to edit the theme?


Posted: 9/26/2008
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Have you checked if Wordpress widgets can be configured in such way?

The Artisteer Team
Marc Smith

Posted: 10/8/2008
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If you want to add comments to every page, you can modify the page.php file to include the comments tag. You will need to research that at the Wordpress website.

usually, the comments tag starts like this:

<?php if ($comments) : ?>

which basically says "if there are comments, start showing them here", although there is a LOT more to that tag than just that line.

Usually, tho, comments on a page is something that doesn't get done a lot.

- MJ

Posted: 4/26/2009
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There are so many themes where we can comment on pages... I cannot believe that Artisteer doesn't include this BASIC feature.

It would really be great that they release a new version with this BASIC feature.
