Duplicate and edit posts page

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Cole Rucker

Posted: 4/20/2016
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I built a sports website which houses sports articles and podcasts. The person I am building it for would like a section of it to only show posts that pertain to individual Cleveland sports teams. What I would like to do is use the same exact format that I have in my posts page, but only pull posts from the specific category that is specified. I have been googling my fingers off trying to figure out how to do this. The closest I have come to this result is making a new php template for each of these. However, I can't figure out which current php document is used to populate the posts in the posts page.

So my actual question is, which php document populates the posts page, and how would I edit that to specify what category to populate the new pages with?
Cole Rucker

Posted: 4/27/2016
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Does anyone have any ideas?

Posted: 8/15/2016
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Confusing question. Where are you only showing Cleveland teams?

Give those specific posts a category of "Cleveland". Then, to only show those, use: http://domain.com/category/cleveland



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