Wasted Theme Space

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Mark Downing

Posted: 8/4/2015
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I would like to reduce the wasted space at the top of the content section. It seems the margin, padding, and spacing functions still won't get the headline, and post header metadata tight to the top of the content section. I've set these values as low as they go but still there is wasted space. Does the pager function prevent the headline and post header from being reduced further?

Posted: 10/20/2015
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On the content menu look at the settings under shape and styling options. You should set all of these to zero. Play with those settings until you get the look and feel you're after. Some sites look better with text not so close to the left and or right widget areas and not so close to the top of the content section. Additionally, if you have Post Header options turned on it will also affect how close content text is to the top of the content section. Hope this helps.