Images in articles will overlap to columns - big issue

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Posted: 4/27/2015
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Dear all, I have an issue with my purchased copy of Artisteer that I use with Joomla 3.4.

Please see the issue here:

The issue is that the images in the articles appear to partially overlap from the center of the page to the right, even to the colums.
For example, try setting the screen to 1280x800, the images in the articoles will overlap to the columns on the right, making the whole thing unreadable.

Thank-you for letting me know if you have notice of a workaround to this big issue.


Regards Andrea.

Posted: 4/28/2015
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Hi Victor,

I wanted to let you know that I was able to find how to set the size of the image to 80% for width and height, and that actually is a good workaround !

Thank-you VERY much for the help!

Still, I have opened a case with Artisteer, as I feel I shouldn't be forced to get to the editor and trick every image I load into the template, as this would be very time consuming, so I have asked them to look into it, and let me know how to tell Artisteer to not specify image sizes in the template HTML code.

For what pertains to the issue I had, anyway, your fix is great so again my thanks!