header images not displaying in safari

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Posted: 10/8/2014
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Hi guys, I really need your help with this...

I have a client who has and iMac and is using safari, but the logo up the top of the page and the image for his phone number just do not show up at all. He has version 5.1.something or other, but he's getting pretty irate that if his clients can't see the logo and the phone number he's going to lose money. I've checked that the "display images on page load" is ticked, and I was going to ask him to clear the cache, but he doesn't have a privacy setting that we could find on his iMac. His resolution is 2560x1440 or something big like that.

Does ANYONE have any idea what I can do...? I was thinking of putting in an image over the top of the current one and seeing if that loads, but it seems counter intuitive.

Ideas would be great thanks!!!

Posted: 10/9/2014
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I stopped using this program long ago because of the same issue. People telling me they couldn't see the header. Not sure what OS or browser - don't really care as it shouldn't matter.
Artisteer Team

Posted: 10/9/2014
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Hi Kozbot,
check this article
It explains how to create the responsive headers, it really helpful.

If you still have questions then, contact Artisteer support about this issue and provide link to live page that demonstrates it.

Posted: 10/13/2014
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Hi Eileen,

I've done all of that... But for some reason he can't see it. What I've done as an interim thing, is put a second image over the first, and checked with him... now it shows up perfectly... I'm not sure what is going on there, but as long as he's seeing it, I don't really mind anymore...

If you're interesting in having a look at what the site looks like it's:


Thanks for your suggestions

Posted: 10/13/2014
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You got the sliding image header thingee to respond, which is huge and everything else looks okay, so I think you did a good job based on those factors alone.

I'd have to wonder what this guy's SEO is like (or if he even cares), but it looks visually ok to me.