Grow with us education theme

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Posted: 7/22/2014
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I am not really sure what theme you are using and how it is set up but you should be able to delete the image and add your content to the same area.

If it is a matter of the theme messing up with the image removed, just wrap your content in a div and use css to size it. This will allow you to color the box as well.

For example for 1 box do

<div class="redbox"> Place my content here.</div>

Then for another

<div class="bluebox"> Place my content here.</div>

Then add this to your style.css at the bottom

div.redbox {width:200px; height:200px; background:red;}
div.redbox {width:150px; height:150px; background:blue;}

Set sizes to the size of the image it is replacing or try width and height 100%


Posted: 7/22/2014
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Thanks, TechTom. As usual, you rock! I figured it out after an hour or two, and am experimenting with several different theme types trying to come up with some new base themes to refer to for projects beyond the ones currently offered (which are good, but I wanted some that are more modern).
James Franko

Posted: 11/30/2020
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If the deadline is on, and you skipped school all the time, then look for helpers on the site . I did it a couple of times and was happy. And there are also websites with applications, so that even at school you can send the task directly as soon as you are asked. Very convenient. I haven't seen this before.