Edit page next ? (1 2 3 29 NEXT)

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Posted: 4/20/2014
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Hi, sorry for my english

How can I edit this

I would like to change color and other

Artisteer Team

Posted: 4/20/2014
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Giack86, Pager control is responsible for this. To style this control in Artisteer, please go to the Controls tab -> Controls -> Pager.
To preview the design, please open left Pager/Posts etc. panel -> Styling -> Controls:

Please note that some third-party plugins may override Artisteer pager styling with their own styles.

Posted: 4/21/2014
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oh thanks!

I could not find it and it was so easy :-D

Posted: 4/24/2014
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As you are already here Antonina i will report some bug or strange behaviour. If you have posts in several columns Pager stick to the latest post if it is only one-two post in 3 columns.

I fix it with float:left and clear:both for pager on all themes.

Pager stick to the right of one-column post, if it is only one post at the end, you cannot always have exactly 3 and push Pager beneath.
Artisteer Team

Posted: 4/24/2014
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if possible could you provide a link to pages which demonstrate the reported issue?


Posted: 4/24/2014
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Hi Eileen,

dont have example right now, all is fixed.
But it is like on this image. It is the same in Drupal and Wordpress. If i make
3 columns layout (lets say foto galeries or blog listing in 3 columns) and if last row has only 1-2 items Pager sticks up-right in empty 30-33% space.

text-align:left or float:left with clear:both helps always.


Posted: 4/24/2014
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You cant notice it in default Artisteer themes. because you have only one column with Item=100% width, and Pager is pushed down on its place naturally.
But you have to assume that CMS are used for several columns.


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