Wordpress 3.8.1, Artisteer 4.2, and Background Images

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Posted: 2/28/2014
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It seems that there has been a change to how background manager plugins are handled, but I am not entirely sure it is a wordpress 3.8 issue or artisteer 4.2 issue...

I created a wordpress theme using Artisteer v3.1.0.55575 and used the Backgrounds per Page plugin to manage backgrounds... it works great in so much as i have different backgrounds on each page AND it is using wordpress 3.8

The client has a sister site and wanted me to use the same theme only change the colors, backgrounds and logo (different content). I upgraded to artisteer 4.2 and now the background plugin won't work and I can't seem to figure out an alternative... anyone else have any ideas?

NOTE: Please don't suggest templateer... That addon complicates the site management tremendously and has too many bells and whistles that would never be used by the client.
Artisteer Team

Posted: 3/1/2014
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I assume that adding this code in the style.css file will help:


If that does not help, please provide a link to your site.

Best regards,

Posted: 3/2/2014
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I have a support ticket in for this issue... i have tried adding your css value for the page id, the plugin doesn't work correctly... it shrinks the image down (does not display it 100%)

This plugin works with 3.1 artisteer themes (and wp 3.8.1) but not the 4.1 artisteer generated themes (and wp 3.8.1)

Ideally you simply add the function to allow each page created in artisteer to have a unique background

Posted: 7/25/2016
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Has anyone figured this out, I am still running into the same problem. Thank-you


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