Problem with sub-menu image

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Denis L.

Posted: 12/11/2013
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I'm building a web site for a client and I'm creating a sub-menu like a "talking bubble" but I'm having trouble positioning the little triangle image. I tried figuring it out with firebug but I didn't succeed with the way Artisteer menus are built.

Here is an image of what it looks like now... the triangle (pointed by the red arrow) is under the sub-menu "bubble" so the sub-menu's outer-stroke shows in the triangle.

But what I want is the triangle image to be positioned over the sub-menu so it hides the outer-stroke, making a nice talking bubble style like the image bellow:

I tried playing with z-index, placing it in different tags but with no success.

Could someone please help me figure this one out?
The site in construction is here =>

Thanks in advance for your precious help!


Denis L.

Posted: 12/13/2013
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Any help please? Someone? :(
Denis L.

Posted: 12/16/2013
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Please jrgweb... may your eyes glens over my topic and may your help be provided! I know your a king in coding! ;)

Posted: 12/17/2013
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@Denis L. - Just got back in from a long trip and it's late so I will have to address this tomorrow.
Looking at your code, it seems you want to use an image. I'll have to test this in artisteer but in the mean time you can use css which I prefer anyway.

example: 1

example: 2

Let me know if you need help with either one of the examples.

Denis L.

Posted: 12/19/2013
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@jrgweb - Thanks for the help... I'm leaving for the holidays but I'll look into it when I get back around January 6th.

Thanks again!



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