Slider Time

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Artisteer Team

Posted: 12/6/2013
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Dave, you can change it by clicking on the slide and opening Edit tab -> Slideshow -> Motion -> Options -> Delay (for the slideshow in content).
The similar for the slideshow in header -> Header tab -> Slideshow -> Motion...
Or for the separate Slider control: Slider tab -> Slideshow -> Motion -> Options -> Delay.
Or do you mean setting a different delay time for every image?

Posted: 12/8/2013
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That was it, thanks


Posted: 1/8/2014
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I have this problem ...
In some files the function of adjusting time slide appears in options, but in other files, I can not access the menu options in the Motion tab, I can only change the type of movement, but word options appear faded. what is happening? Perhaps it may be because the presenting problems was initially created in the previous version?
Artisteer Team

Posted: 1/9/2014
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Simon, it would be helpful, to have a look at your project and to see the issue, you are welcome to contact us via and attach it there.

Posted: 1/10/2014
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Can you tell me where to adjust speed once the design is alive in Wordpress?
Which specific file am I to look into to find the motion parameters?

Also, Can I make the slider display ONLY on the home page and disappear for interior pages on a Wordpress site?

Thanks, here's the test site:
Artisteer Team

Posted: 1/13/2014
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Hi Bradley,

You can open the script.js file and find the code:
pause: 6500,
speed: 1500,
repeat: false,
animation: "fade",
direction: "next",
navigator: slideContainer.siblings(".art-slidenavigatorpageslider"),
helper: helper

it is in the end of the file. There you can edit the pause and speed parameter.

Also add this code in the style.css file to make the slider visible only for the home page:


.home .art-pageslider

Best regards,

Posted: 11/27/2015
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Quote Antonina:

Dave, you can change it by clicking on the slide and opening Edit tab -> Slideshow -> Motion -> Options -> Delay (for the slideshow in content).
The similar for the slideshow in header -> Header tab -> Slideshow -> Motion...
Or for the separate Slider control: Slider tab -> Slideshow -> Motion -> Options -> Delay.
Or do you mean setting a different delay time for every image?

Sorry to resurrect an old thread if this answer is out there somewhere else. But, I've been searching for a LONG time and have come up empty. (And, it looks like the discussion in this thread pertained more to general slideshows than header-specific ones.)

While designing a header slideshow in Artisteer (version if that makes a difference), I was able to add multiple slides, and play with transition options for that slideshow. But, under that same "Motion" sub-menu (Header ->> Slideshow ->> Motion) the "Options" area was grayed out and not clickable. I want to change the delay/pause time for the slides, and I'm guessing that's where to do it, but I couldn't. Not sure why. So, I saved, exported, uploaded and activated the Wordpress theme with whatever the default settings are. And... they're WAY too fast for my needs.

I've been trying for hours now to find out where (at the "code level" via the Wordpress "Editor") I can make this change manually. I've found a few references to a "script.js" file in other forum posts, but I don't have a file by that name to edit via Editor. I've tried (with my limited amateur code knowledge) to figure out which file to adjust, and my best guess is the "style.css" file and these lines:

.art-slidecontainerheader .art-slide-item {
-webkit-transition: 600ms ease-in-out opacity;
-moz-transition: 600ms ease-in-out opacity;
-ms-transition: 600ms ease-in-out opacity;
-o-transition: 600ms ease-in-out opacity;
transition: 600ms ease-in-out opacity;
position: absolute !important;
display: none;
left: 0;
top: 0;
opacity: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;

Am I on the right track? It looks like the place to change the header slideshow TRANSITION speeds, but I don't see anything for adjusting the length of the PAUSE for each slide in the slideshow. Do I need to add a new line here? If so, what is the command I need? Or am I way off base?

If you'd like a look at the site I'm building as it stands now, you can check it out here:

Thanks in advance for any help you can give!


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