Can not add viretical (right) menu to existing template

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Posted: 10/19/2013
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Hello all,

I made a template that I happily configured on a site, all ok. Now I need to add vertical (right) menu module placeholder in Artisteer 4.1 and I can not do this. When I go to Artisteer Vertical menu section, it doesn't allow me to place Vertical menu placeholder on to the right position. It putting it in the middle of the page, beyond content, similar to horizontal menu. But I do not need it to be horizontal. I need vertical menu to be available right from content. So I failed to add vertical menu when it was not originally configured in original template. Any ideas?

thank you a lot in advance for any help in this matter

Posted: 10/19/2013
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I sort this issue out by creating new template, spent some time of designing it again, but a least got what I wanted with right menu attached. thanks