Vmenu - expand/indent clicking header - Art. 4 - Joomla 3

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Posted: 10/14/2013
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I have seen some people struggling with this issue - as I did.
To make it work - which it does beautifully if you do it right - you have to:

1) Create your template making your designchoises in the "vertical menu" menu - remember to choose in the "levels" submenu the action want.

2) Create a module type "menu" in the module manager in Joomla.

3) Create a menu item in the menu manager (X) - type: your typeexpression.

4) Create a sub-menu item (Y) in menu manager: type: System, text-separator. Set the first menu-item (X) as parent.

5) Create your submenus setting the parent-item to Y (the menu created as text-separator.

It is mandatory to put the "empty" text-separator menu in between the module menu and the submenu items, whether you want to have the vmenu header as clickable for extending or collapsing the menu or you want the first menu item to be a "home" buton that does the trick.

If you leave out the text-separator item, the submenus will be permanently expanded, and if you have chosen the vmenu blockheader to be the clickable item, the blockheader will not even show.

You will - unless I have overlooked somethiing completely - not find this instruction anywhere in the documentation.