since artisteer 4.1, my form answering part does not appear but can still be accessed

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Patrick M

Posted: 4/8/2013
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Hi folks,

I am having a serious trouble with my contact form. In fact, once I migrated my template from artisteer 3 to 4something I got the design of my contact form very affected. I can still use it but the answering parts do not show up. It is like the same background colod instead :-(.

My contact form is the in buildon from joomla 2.5.

Does anyone has the same issue or know how to solve it ?

Thanks in advance for your answer
Patrick M

Posted: 4/8/2013
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Found it,

That was too obvious... It is actualy possible to set up the setting of this part in artisteer. It was just invisible. Not sure it could be done in artisteer 3 tho.

Hope it will help someone else.