Embedded Slideshow in Article disappeared after article edit

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Posted: 3/15/2013
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Joomla 2.5 - Homepage - Article has slideshow. In article edit, javascript is still there, however slideshow doesn't display. Before happened additional spaces were present in top of article pushing slideshow down. After edit (careful to preserve code) slideshow no longer shows. I figure the edit deleted the *div* that placed the slideshow, any pointers to look for?


Posted: 3/15/2013
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Did you add the slideshow from Artisteer ?

Are you editing the article form Joomla editor ?
STB Web Services

Posted: 3/21/2013
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You have to be very careful with editing HTML code inside a Joomla! article. There are certain restrictions where Joomla will filter out certain html code. My guess is that the DIV that was used has been modified in some way. Many javascript slideshows key off of a DIV id. For example if you have a <DIV> tag that contains the slideshow it will need to have an associated ID such as <div id="myslideshow"></div> The Javascript looks for this in the HTML and renders the slideshow to this area.

If the html is getting stripped out, you need to modify your joomla settings under Global Configuration/Text Filters to allow the code you are trying to use.

Hope this helps!


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