First page with blocks

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Posted: 2/13/2013
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How do I that...

I want to create a first page with blocks or windows. Each block will bring some "last info of something"

Like this...

First block/window will show my last forum topics, second block/window to the right will show last articles from my page, the next block will show weather info, the other one will show last news...

something like this... how do I creat a structure like this and fill the blocks with last information, pictures e etc...

Is there any plugin that will easilly do that?

I able to creat and see those blocks on Artisteer but I'm not able to see and use then in Wordpress.

I hope I made my self clear. :-/


Posted: 4/4/2014
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I'm trying to do this same thing. Did you have any luck?


Posted: 4/5/2014
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Quote Mick:


I'm trying to do this same thing. Did you have any luck?


Hi Mick!

My post is over a year old, but I still check back every day on this useless forum to see if there's an answer to my question.

So, no luck yet. I'll give it another 12 months before I give up!!!

Philip Barrington

Posted: 4/5/2014
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You can do a great deal with am Artisteer theme in Wordpress when you add the plugin Page Builder by site origen. It is different and gives you the capacity to build whatever front page you want. It has become one of my must have plugins, because I can do a whole lot.

Is one example where I have used this approach.
Stupid Me

Posted: 4/5/2014
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Ahh.. How the heck would you do that with these messy files?

In theory you could, but you'll need to restructure a bit so everything is where you'd like to call it to display . When you've done that and can pull the page up by a css selector alone, you can display it however you wish on another page using Ajax.

$("#area").load("rbgandmickslilwindow.html #content");

That will find the content within the file rbgandmickslilwindow.html, that is within the element with an ID of content and put it on the page want, inside the element with of course an ID of area. You are essentially replacing the #area from the other page with the #area you specified on the page you want it to appear. This only works for show though.

If you want to make the windows clickable or give them some other kind of trigger, things are a little different because you'll start getting nesting divs if you use area with area.

To get around that, you'll want to add a >*";

So it'll be $("#area").load("rbgandmickslilwindow.html #area>*");
That'll grab the contents of #area instead of the actual area.
You can of course style it to look however you want.

I hope this helps you both.