Sorry - Artisteer 4 unstable

Author Message
David Lynch

Posted: 1/5/2013
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I love Artisteer 3 for the most part, but it has a couple of major shortcomings (for example, you HAVE to have the same side bar - text, photos, etc. on every page if you use it for just straight web design and not as a CMS template).

I purchased a license that is going to expire next month. I downloaded and installed Artisteer 4, but find it is very buggy and unstable, and also does not address the issues I had with version 3. Version 4 should probably have been kept in beta a bit longer.

I won't likely be renewing my license until Artisteer 4 doesn't lock up and crash nearly every time I use it.

Not trying to trash the program because version 3 is great for Joomla and Wordpress templates. Neither version is really that great for straight html pages. But thought I'd give you some feedback.


SMILIES :-) :( :-D 8-) :*) :-/ :-{} :-X :-O :-@ O:) :-P :-< :-( :-| ;-) 
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