I cant figure out how I make a regular WP theme!

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Posted: 12/8/2012
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I want to make a regular blogtheme. In version 3 it was easy, now with version 4 I dont know how to do it!

My sites is absolutely not displayed in the way artisteer shows it.

In artisteer it shows up like:
Welcoe-Post1 - Introduction-Post2 - Subscription-Post3

When activated on my WP blog it looks like:

I cant figure out how I make a regular WP theme! How do you display it in the same way it will be displayed at my blog?


Posted: 12/10/2012
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1. What you are seeing in Artisteer are not posts, but static pages.
2. If you want to see the content you created in Artisteer, then you need to export the content with your theme, and import it after you active the theme. The exported/imported content will not be posts, but pages.
3. When you import the content from Artisteer, the theme will be using a custom menu (2 actually, hmenu, and vmenu).
4. For newly created posts will still be shown under each other, as usual. THIS WAS THE CASE WITH V3 TOO.
5. If you want to configure how you want your posts to be displayed there are a number of plugins to get the job done, to show your posts in a grid and not in a list.

Artisteer 4 has some bugs, and imperfections, but in this case, it's not Artisteer, it's you. Start by reading Artisteer's newsletters and the pdf file, and learn the basics. You will get to speed within 15 minutes. I believe they even have a manual now too.