Suggestions > Preview and select

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Posted: 12/1/2012
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Hi, trying out Artisteer so this is from a new user's POV. I wanted to highlight the things I found unproductive and make a suggestion or two fyi.

1. The Suggest function. .... it doesn't help me at all. I can look through potential layouts in a window like the Startup Dialog much faster than flipping through them one by one and hitting Undo. It also makes matching different areas a completely random process. So allow me to suggest that the Suggest function presents layout options for selection instead, and retains the chosen option for use on other areas.

2. Selecting blocks. Frankly this is fairly unproductive for me at this time. Instead of clicking the block and having Artisteer hold focus on that while I use the corner menus, I need to not have the block selected and wave the cursor in the corner, then select one of the tiny icons.
This is different (and harder to work with, at least for me) than the convention where one clicks once to select an element and reveal its controls, and clicks again (or just double-clicks in the first place) to select inside it. So I'd appreciate an option to have Artisteer work that way instead.

3. I'd also appreciate a "reveal all blocks" feature via menu button or holding a key, so I could see the entire structure of the page at a glance. Combining the two in a contradictory relationship (button up = don't show, keypress = show, button down = show, keypress = don't show ) would pretty much be awesome in my book.

I'm still learning so please forgive me if I've missed a setting that would obviate one of these suggestions. Thanks for listening!