WP-Filebase or alternative?

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Posted: 11/25/2012
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I have a client using WP-Filebase, which they love, and a front end file uploader, which works great. Thing is, they don't want to FTP files into WP-Filebase. They want to be able to use a front end uploader that allows them to drill into the file hierarchy on their server and place docs where they want them that way.

Does anyone know of a tool similar to WP-Filebase that does this, too.

Or, alternately, can anyone recommend an plugin for a front end uploader that allows the user to click around server folders beneath a designated folder level and drop files where they choose?


Posted: 11/25/2012
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Something like this?

Posted: 11/25/2012
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I will try it out. Thanks!!

(I try to find these things myself, but sometimes, I just don't hit on the right search words to pull up the results I'm looking for.)