A little confused

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Posted: 11/8/2012
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Newbie to Artisteer here...I am a little confused by the layout/content...
I am used to using FrontPage WYSIWYG editor....I always used to create my layouts with tables/nests, etc...

So far, I have created the header, horizontal menu below the header.

Questions that I have:
1. Am I able to create different layouts for each page? What I mean is, can I have 2-column content with verticle menu, etc. on Home Page, and a one column content (no side bar) on other pages? Or, will the layout (one column, two column, sidebar, etc.) be the same for each page?

2. It does look like I can control the content layout by adding a table/row/cell, etc....Say for example that I would like a content area that has 2 rows with the top row having 2 cells and the bottom row 1 cell...How do I do this? Need to add a block and then a table to the block, split the top cell? I am a bit confused by blocks, tables, layouts,etc...

I am sure that once I do this, I will understand the flow...Just unsure of the flow...add blocks to content area and then tables to blocks? Or, add tables to content area....

Please help with a little walk through or a online video tutorial that will walk me through designing the content area and layout of the content area.

Thanks much!