CMS - Looking for a simple solution - Straight Talking

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Posted: 11/8/2012
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We know Artisteer can be used with other CMS, but what about when you want CMS but you don't want the commercial CMSs being offered because its over kill.

Most budget clients, £100 to £200 budget for adding a CMS solution and don't want anything as complex as WPress, they just need to be able to login and change a few words in the center of the page.

And as a designer i don't want to be setting up WP etc when they don't even have the budget for me to discuss the pros and cons of WP, never mind set up security to minimise ongoing maintenance costs.

I want a simple plug in or to use with Dreamweaver CMS or something like that.

Naturally its got to be plain label.


I sometimes wonder if suppliers will ever realise that there main client base is resellers/designers/etc and stop wasting their time and money marketing to end users. We want and need plain label, we shouldn't need to explain why IMHO.
Mark C

Posted: 11/8/2012
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Try a "no database" CMS, they just need to upload text files:
Dave B

Posted: 11/8/2012
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Posted: 11/8/2012
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and this, below, from the home page:

Whether you use Adobe Dreamweaver, Microsoft Expression Web, or any other editor you can think of, you don't have to learn anything new or do work differently except for adding a "seed" to page areas where you want browser-editable content. ContentSeed will change the way you do business.

It works on any server and can easily be used with shopping carts, database applications, and plain old "static" HMTL websites!

No doubt your client will appreciate interfacing with their shopping cart!!


Posted: 11/8/2012
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Hero CMS is fairly simple and fully rebrandable:

I messed about with a while back although I've never implemented it on a client's site.