Free Pictures

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Posted: 11/2/2012
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Hello Artisteer Fans.

I discovered a website full of free HQ Pictures. My question is, since English is not my native language, if I understand the terms of conditions correctly. The URL to the website is "". There is a section "Free Photos" and when you click on any of the pictures it will tell you the TOCs. It would be nice if one could take a look at this and tell me if I am mistaken. In case I am correct it would absolutely be great to add this picture place straight into Artisteer.

Thanks in advance.

Posted: 11/2/2012
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Btw. This is not a spam or commercial add in this forum. I just need the help to make sure I don't have to pay a few hundred euros for unintentionally use a photo on a web project. Too many websites use the term FREE and then get you in trouble.

Dave B

Posted: 11/2/2012
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Thanks for the tip. I will check this out more.

As far as licensing goes, it looks pretty clear they are free to use anyway you want. You just can't sell them outright or claim ownership.

From them:

morgueFile license
You are free:

Remix - to adapt the work.
Commercial - to use this work for commercial purposes.
Without Attribution - to use without attributing the original author.

Under the following conditions:

Stand alone basis - You can not sell, license, sublicense, rent, transfer or distribute this image exactly as it is without alteration.
Ownership - You may not claim ownership of this image in its original state.

Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from the contributor.
Nothing in this license impairs or restricts the author's moral rights.
This is a human-readable summary of the Legal Code (the full license).


Posted: 11/2/2012
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Here's some free pictures...

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Artisteer 4\Library\Images\Content"

Or, for the XP/IE8 crowd...

"C:\Program Files\Artisteer 3\Library\Images\Content"

I'm hoping you don't find malware there !

Posted: 11/3/2012
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Since it is safe to use these HQ Fotos in Webprojets, it would be great if Artisteer can implement them into the program. I think this is much better then Flickr.


Posted: 11/3/2012
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Wildone1965 - That's why I only use premium services like istockphoto. The images don't cost very much and you have proof of payment with licensed usage without worries.