Solution footer

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Posted: 10/20/2012
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Good day! I am using the latest version of artisteer4 to create templates for joomla 2.5. With some components, or modules, there is a problem with the footer, it ceases to be attached to the bottom of the screen. Here's what I found out: in index.php footer to put another </ div>, then <div>, turned

   </ div>
<footer class="art-footer clearfix"> <? php echo $ view-> position ('copyright', 'art-nostyle');?> </ footer>

</ div>

And in the file template.css class. Art-footer put margin:-30px; height footer.

I hope this will help you

Posted: 10/20/2012
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reserve margin 0px
and to # art-main adding width: 100%;

Posted: 10/20/2012
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if the page footer goes for, try changing

min-height: 100%; in # art-main
to min-height: 96% or another %

Posted: 3/21/2013
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Quote Vladimir:

... using the latest version of artisteer4 to create templates for joomla 2.5. With some components, or modules, there is a problem with the footer, it ceases to be attached to the bottom of the screen....

Thank you for this Information. However I wish there would be a fix from Artisteer on this, since it still is a problem.


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