Iframe V4 stop collapsing responsive layout

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Dave B

Posted: 10/17/2012
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I am putting a form in a html website in Art V 4. I have tried a Google form and a Coffee Cup form and both collapse when the responsive design kicks In.

Is there any way to make that stretch the page out like normal content.

Here is the test site. http://cosmicperception.com/

Posted: 10/17/2012
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Change to this in your responsive css file...

.responsive .ewd-responsive-embed {     height: 600px;     padding-bottom: 10px;     position: relative; }

Dave B

Posted: 10/18/2012
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Yes sir, that does fix this. Thanks for the help.

Posted: 12/7/2012
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:-) :-) :-) :-)

Thank You.

Added some words to make search quicker and adapt for me...

this fix works perfectly. the ".ewd" noted by PurpleEdge is your default CSS (mine is .nik). Change it to suit.

Change the height to suit your forms. If you have long form you will need more height.

coffee cup web form iframe height


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