Artisteer 2 - Bold Color

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Posted: 9/30/2012
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Hi, where i can choose bold's color?

Posted: 9/30/2012
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i also tried with this on template.css

strong {color:#F50028}

but it doesnt work

Posted: 9/30/2012
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You are over thinking it Fabio.

Highlight the text you want in bold, press the bold button from the Content menu. Now, the highlighted text has changed to bold. Now, all you have to do while the text is still highlighted is to press the text color button, and change the color of the highlighted text, which is now in bold of course. The text color buton is the sixth one to the right of the bold button in the Content menu.

The same applies more or less when you want to do the same within a cms.

Posted: 9/30/2012
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Hi Nick,

i dont understand; are you talking about cms's editor or about artisteer 2 ?

Posted: 9/30/2012
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The specific instructions are for Artisteer, but it's the same concept for any cms.

Posted: 9/30/2012
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Hi Nick,

what's the text i should highlight?