Simple MegaMenu support

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Posted: 9/13/2012
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I've already submitted this as an idea but thought I'd add it to the forum. See if anyone else is interested and I could garner support:

I'm already using a megamenu using a Joomla plugin but would like to be able to do it through Artisteer so I could do it for non-joomla sites.

Artisteer are already doing great things with their 'magazine style' menus in Artisteer 4 but nothing that could produce something like this example I saw

I'm not suggesting anything really sophisticated this close to Artisteer 4's launch but wonder if it might be possible to slip in the ability to have a top-menu that when you hover over it makes a blank "tray" slide down. Then I could edit the html to put whatever I wished into it. links, pictures, modules. Anything. Then I could make a menu like the one I linked to above or, indeed any of the ones at